

  • Lean on Me, Jedi

    Even a Jedi needs a little support now and then. A Han and Luke friendship story.

  • Why He Stayed

    Why does Jesse move back into the Tanner house after marrying Becky? And, more importantly, why does Becky go along with it? A missing scene from Season 4, Episode 20, "Fuller House."

  • Droid Love

    Han learns something about C-3PO when the droid falls in love. AU based on EU. Rated T for implied droid lust. Droid/droid pairing. One-shot.

  • Insomnia

    After Captain Robbins pays a visit to the 4077th and makes a move on Margaret, Hawkeye has trouble sleeping. (Rated T for reference to attempted rape, nothing graphic)

  • Luke's First Diplomatic Mission

    It's Luke's first time representing the Rebel Alliance in a diplomatic setting and nothing is going right. Han has a sarlacc of a headache and isn't helping matters any. Set between ANH and ESB. AU. A Luke & Han friendship story.

  • For Now

    Han overhears as Princess Leia is reprimanded by Rebel High Command for her association with him. She doesn't react well.

  • Leia's Journal

    With Han frozen in carbonite, Leia decides to keep a journal. One-shot for now.

  • The First Time They Met

    What if Han and Leia had met earlier? Rated T for mild torture and implied suicidal thoughts. AU

  • A Cause for Concern

    Han is sick and Leia takes care of him. Hurt/comfort Han & Leia style: hurt/comfort/argue. AU. [not complete]

  • Night Blind

    Now living on Coruscant with Leia and the twins, Han has to deal with the long-term effects of having been frozen in carbonite. AU. Loosely follows Star Wars EU prior to TFA. [not complete]

  • Love Always

    It's hard to be in love in the middle of a war.

  • A Force in Men's Gymnastics

    Keyop Anderson, the former Mighty Swallow of G-Force, goes for Olympic gold!

  • Always a Pilot

    Han's plans to join the Rebel Alliance hit an unexpected snag.

  • Couples Only

    Keyop finds romance at the roller rink.

  • Lifeline

    Someone reaches out to Han when he is frightened and alone.

  • The Optical Insufficiency Conundrum

    Leonard is (almost) always there for his roommate when Sheldon needs him. What happens when Leonard needs Sheldon's help?