
  • Feel the Cold

    Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. Tony has never had a problem with the cold like Cap does, but everyone has something from their past that they fear. OneShot.

  • Not Everyone

    Natasha might be right about a lot of things… but not this time. Of course, no one could have predicted Tony Stark would fall through the roof. One Shot.

  • The Great Bet of Hogwarts

    Everybody knows that Lily and James are going to get together. It's a given fact, but nobody knows when and how. The inhabitants of Hogwarts decide that they might as well make the wait a little more entertaining... and so they make a not so little bet. One shot.

  • Quite the Surprise

    Sirius and James were only going to open their letters, expecting a book list and a 'Welcome to your seventh year at Hogwarts.' Imagine their surprise when there's something else in James' envelope - a badge. One-shot.

  • Peppermint Humbugs

    Because we never did figure out why they were on the dinner table. (Or, how two young boys started a school-wide revolution.) One shot.

  • Misled

    Sequel to Kidnapped. New York may be home to many strange things, but a kid able to create a helicopter from near nothing is odder than usual. So are flying horses. One shot.

  • The Game

    Seventh year Gryffindors all decide they need a bit of fun and Sirius suggests Truth or Dare, but with a twist. Will it really go for a week non-stop? And what is with the parchment?

  • Aussie Rules

    After restoring Mr and Mrs Granger's memories, the trio decide to stay in Australia for a while to see the sights... and so, of course, they go and watch a good old AFL match. But Ron doesn't think any Muggle sport can hold a candle to Quidditch... Just a little one shot for any fellow Aussies out there, and those who've never seen Australia's signature sport.

  • Sleep, Food and Safety

    Peter is thinking about all that has happened as he sits on the Hogwarts Express with Harry and Ron. Everything is perfect until Goyle tries to steal a chocolate frog... No one steals Scabbers' food and gets away with it! One-shot.

  • A Change of Opinions

    A potions incident. An apology. A conversation. A change of opinion. "Why are you so annoying?" "Would you notice me otherwise?" "What?" One-shot.

  • Playing Favorites

    "He was always the favorite when we were young. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried they never noticed me." Looking back on his life as he prepares to retrieve the Horcrux Regulus finds himself wishing he had spent more time with his brother.

  • I'm Bored

    We all know from HP & The Order of the Phoenix that when Sirius is bored, chaos is sure to follow. As the Marauders cook up a prank, Lily realizes that maybe she doesn't hate them as much as she thinks she does. One-shot.

  • He Only Got a Glimpse

    "He only got a glimpse of his godson. The boy that should have had the best parents in the world. But what had happened? He, Sirius Black, had destroyed everything." Sirius' POV. One shot.