
  • Rebel Hearts

    AU: Anakin Skywalker is freed by the Nabberrie's and grows up with Padme' and her family. He joins the Imperial Naval Academy and meets a unlikely friend and secretly joins the rebellion. Will he be able to withstand the dark side and the Empire? Or will he choose to fight for the Jedi? Please read and review!

  • Forbidden Love of a Jedi

    AU:In another time in the galaxy, Anakin and Padme' are good friends and both are Jedi. However, Anakin married Sabe' Amidala whom he met many years ago. But Padme' is secretly in love with him. But things begin to unravel in the galaxy as the end of the war draws near. Anakin must make a choice, between the two women who love him and saving the galaxy from the darkness.