Sally the Lioness

  • Love Beyond Death

    Alec hugged Magnus dearly, as if his life depended on it. He didn't care about his life any more though. He wanted to be with Magnus… his Magnus… during and after life...

  • Night's Realisation

    When he had his nightmares, he always wished someone could comfort him. But unknown to the journalist, somebody did want to comfort him.

  • Missing Love

    Jamie is broken due to Scott's death. He is immobile. But can a certain someone make him believe that love for him is still there?

  • A Date

    Percy and Annabeth go on a date.

  • Engagement

    Magnus is throwing a party for Chairman Meow's engagement! He tells Alec about it and the other boy is only too happy to hear this.

  • My Thoughts on Him

    "But I can't tell him. I will lose him. I can't lose him! No, we are good as friends." Alec knows what he feels for Jace but he has never told anyone. So, shall we explore the Shadowhunter's thoughts?