
  • The Tale of a Broken Man

    NEW CHAPTER! YAY! Ever wonder what Snape was like when he was a teenager? The life and times of Severus Snape. Set during Severus's School years. Rated T for violence and language. WIP

  • The Boy Who Lived and HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

    Harry and Voldemort: At first glance the hero Harry Potter and the evil Lord Voldemort are the exact opposite, but if you look closely enough, you’ll find that these two fictional characters could be almost one and the same. An essay by PsychoHaired

  • Like a Ton of Bricks

    Hermione's last thoughts on Ron...

  • Ron is suck a JERK!

    I'm not jealous... I swear! Hermione is very angry at a certain Redhaired Prat

  • Whoops

    OneShot Drabble. A meeting that took place after The Lightning Struck Tower incident. Obviously has spoilers.

  • Bollocks

    Short Drabble. Ron's inner thoughts when he's bored

  • A Diary: By Gred and Forge

    OH MY GOD IS THAT A NEW CHAPTER IN THIS THING? I THOUGHT THIS WAS DEAD FOREVER! yes it is a new chapter...Just what the title says, a diary written by the mischiveous twins themselves, Fred and George!

  • Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandos

    A poem I wrote based on Hogwarts's Motto :D

  • I want Kisses too!

    Oneshot Hermione is giving out kisses? Ron wants one too! A Valentine's Day mini fic.

  • From your NotSoSecret Admirer

    You have no idea how hard it is to just say, “I fancy you”.

  • Say What?

    WARNING: This fic contains no plot, point. Contents include really bad stereotypes. PsychoHaired is not held responsible for any mental illneses this may cause you. You have been warned RHr

  • Popping the Question

    Ron pops the question. Pink and Fluffy.

  • Animal Magnetism

    Complete! Harry and Ron brew a potion that turns the drinker into The Animal Within. What happens when Ron drinks a little too much? Read and find out! My first challenge

  • The Fifth Wheel

    Hermione goes out with her female friends to Hogsmeade, only to find out she will be the fifth wheel once again and she is tired of it... will she do something about it?

  • Smack in the Face!

    Harry and the gang are invited to play dodgeball...but a certain darkhaired boy is not very keen on the idea.

  • The Spork of Doom!

    The biggest battle in wizarding history goes a little. . . unorthodox if you will. . . just read and find out!

  • The Rock that Ron Threw

    Parody of the nursery rhyme The House that Jack Built . . . with Harry Potter characters. . . be afraid be very afraid

  • What If?

    One-Shot angsty. Ron sits alone in his room thinking what would have happened if he had told Hermione that he loved her. . Review!

  • The Itsy Bitsy Spider:the BoBo Chronicle

    Why is Ron so afraid of spiders? Join five year old Ron and his teddybear to find out.

  • Red Headed Twit

    WARNING: INSANITY ok... random plotless my style fluff? you be the judge. . .