Little Tsu

  • The Sapphire Gate Keys

    In Fiore, there are many different kinds of magic. Magic that was used for both good & evil; the same for the types of guilds there were that held these types of wizards. However, there was one wizard that didn't quite follow a guild yet, but still went on jobs in order to make things a bit easier for the Counsil.

  • What Could Have Been

    Seika is a wandering chef that works occassionally for the IGO whose life is anything but easy. In fact, not only is she fairly aquainted with the Four Heavenly Kings, but she also has a part of her past that she tries to keep a secret from everyone; something that had caused her to act the way she does now. The decisions she makes in life now might effect more than just herself...

  • Curiosity Kill The Cat

    Curiosity can be a blessin', but...well, in many cases, it can bring about a number of downfalls. Will this be the case with a certain Warrent Officer?

  • Lost and Found

    Akainu had been about to deal a lethal blow to Luffy & as the protective older brother, Ace had rush in to take the blow for him, thus sacrificing his life for his little brother. However,...what if Ace never took the blow, but was instead, was saved himself...? (#5 and alternate 'reality' to the one/two-shot series. Version where Ace doesn' die.)

  • Mission Impossible

    Reno Sinclair is a Turk that works for the Shinra mafia. When a rivaling family has been protecting the people of the town & ruining business for the Shinras for far too long, it's now Reno's assignment to go undercover as a new bodyguard for the heiress and eliminate her. Problem is,...he didn't expect to run into a snag in the job...A snag that was also Yuffie's guard...(AU)

  • Orphan Chronicles 2: Nia's New Life

    Yay, it's finally the SEQUAL ta the original. Please don' kill me.x.x Anyways, with Nia's new life as a gargoyle, one would think that her life would gradually ease up & take a turn for the better...Unfortunately, that was never meant to be. Those that had changed Nia are still after her, but this time,...the truth behind it...is revealed. Can she survive or will her luck run out?

  • The Hawk And the Dragon

    Clint is given a mission when a new alien arrives on Earth, acting out as her 'guardian'. Seems a simple enough task, but when a new enemy appears, greater than the Chitauri & Loki, lives are suddenly put at stake. The Avengers will need to figure out what lies are truths & what truths are lies.(Set a few months after the Chitauri & Loki's attack, Coulson still alive)

  • Blizzard Warning

    A new mare is visiting in Ponyville & she has a certain new Wonderbolt recruit rather curious. However, not all is as it seems for despite her innocent & playful outward disposition, this mare is hiding something more than what she's showing everypony on the outside. A dark secret that she's hiding from everypony before she's meant to...(cover colored, but cut off; title changed)

  • My Day Will Come!

    A glimpse into the past of the upcoming pirate known as Pheonix and her relationship with her uncle, a vastly well known pirate, himself. (#3 of a one/two-shot series)

  • Betrayel and Regret

    Naraku has always been known to trick & deceive those around him in order to get what he wants & to do his bidding. This is no exception as he lured a young demon in with promise of power so long as they did what he wished. How far has this demon in particular gone for the sake of said power?

  • My Kept Promise

    Sorta like a SEQUAL ta my other One Piece 'Continue To Live On'. Pheonix has finally joined up with the Straw Hats & it was durin' the alliance Luffy had formed with Trafalgar Law.(#2 of a one/two-shot series)

  • I'm Sorry

    The Illuminatii have finally made their move & officially declared war with True Cross Academy...And in doin' so,...two spies within the Academy finally came out of hidin'... (Very faint spoilers towards who the Illuminatii spy(in the manga version) is.)