
  • Family Reunion

    Post ME3. The reapers have been stopped and Commander Hayley Shepard has been found alive. 4 months later, a mix up with blood test results leads to the shocking discovering that Lieutenant Tom Shepard's and Captain Hannah Shepard's last name's are more than a coincidence. Contains spoilers Female ShepardxLiara, Male ShepardxVarious human females. M for language and adult themes

  • The Card

    It's 14th February 20xx and Chell decided to do something nice for GLaDOS. Post-portal 2. ChellDOS

  • I Am Lost Without You

    Set before the second mission of Mass Effect 2. Liara finally tries to move on from Shepard. Spoiler and lesbian warning. T for little bit of language

  • The removed animatronic

    Mike Schmidt is finally at home and safe, with all the animatronics back at the pizzaria...or are they?

  • To Love a Saint

    After taking over the Zin Empire, Hayley has something that she wants to tell her lieutenant. But will everything work out ok, when it turns out there are more of the saints left than originally thought? Post saints row 4 and therefore contains spoilers. Contains lesbians, so don;'t like, don't read. Female bossxShaundi and more!