
  • Under The Same Sky

    Before she knew it she was knocked to the floor, Sasuke's sharp blade caressing her neck as he straddled her waist. "Check mate, Sa-ku-ra" He purred in his deep seductive voice. R&R. No ninja war in this story.

  • The Blizzard

    While attempting to find shelter from a devastating blizzard on a mission, Hinata ends up in an abandoned cabin. Whilst attempting to wait it out she finds out she is not alone but is trapped inside with the most wanted missing nin in all the lands. SasuHina. AU. Rated M in case.

  • Jashin Syndrome

    She had never been terrified of anything, not death, not what would come after, nor the pain she'd most probably go through in the process. Him however, he terrified her to the point of complete paralysis, to the point her breath caught in her throat and her entire body froze. There is no escape, not when your own body betrays every instinct screaming for you to run, to fight.

  • Crepuscular

    He was interesting, that was the only word he could used to describe the boy he met at the playground, with glazed amber eyes and posture equally as lonely as his own. OcxGaara, Yaoi. Not fluffy and is from OC point of view.

  • Fallen

    '"Fine I won't tell anyone, if you be my slave," He said, his lips twisting into a somewhat sadistic grin.' A Sasuke and Hinata AU school fic. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Rating may change to M at a later point.

  • Forest Rendezvous

    When she went out into the forest that night, she obviously was completely out of her mind. She knew from the moment she read that note on her bedside table that it was a bad idea. She couldn't even have imagined what awaited her however. SasuSaku, Kind of Dark Sasuke.

  • Captured

    'Instinctively she blinked her eyes closed and moved to sit up until she was stopped by the feeling of sharp metal on her neck and a heavier body straddling hers. Opening her eyes, she fearfully looked up into thickly lashed crimson eyes that stared back into hers so intently that she felt as though they could see straight through her'. OCxAkatsuki

  • Unknown Intruders

    "She shrunk back into the pillows; her eyes still screwed shut, refusing to acknowledge that something so frightening was actually happening to her." Oc x Akatsuki possibly a one shot if no one likes it. Rated T for now.

  • The Object of His Obsession

    It aggravated him how he could think of nothing but her. His every thought invaded by her chocolate brown eyes, her creamy skin her petal pink lips. He wanted her above all else. But with the past between them, could it ever be? Dramoine post war fic. Rating may change later.

  • The Genie

    Gaara the Demon king of the underworld, finds more than he bargained for while looking for an ancient artifact. A small shiny lamp containing an eternity of cruel amusement for him. "A-ano where a-am I-I?" She asked with wide eyes. "That doesn't matter now little one, but I do believe you owe me three wishes." He said looking down at her with an evil glint in his eye. Gaahina AU