
  • Code: Memories

    Cameron Hopper is a normal kid with normal hobbies. Video games, building robots, and oh yeah, saving the world from Xana alongside the rest of the Lyoko Warriors. One of whom is a perfect copy of his sister who went missing ten years ago. Something out there must be messing with his head, too, because now she's his cousin. No pressure. Sequel to Code: Cameron.

  • The Scarlet Angels

    A beta tester with a bad reputation. That's who I was. A player with friends who rely on me. That's who I am. This game, this life, it isn't what I expected when I logged in to Sword Art Online. But it's what I got. And you know what? I think that deep down, it's exactly what I really wanted.

  • Thinking of Them, Wherever They Are

    A short little tribute to some of the many characters of Kingdom Hearts. Please let me know what you think!

  • Fixing a Fractured Heart

    Five years have passed in the spirit world since Chihiro left. Now, Kohaku is head of the bath house, a master of magic, and let's not forget the part where he's a dragon. However, Zeniba and Yubaba have detected a fracture in the boundary between their world and ours, and Kohaku jumps at the chance to see Chihiro again. What might happen next I wonder? I don't own Spirited Away

  • Sovengarde's Sorrow

    Torygg had no choice. He knew what Ulfric wanted, but he had no choice but to oblige the man who had come to kill him. This is the story of how the High King of Skyrim was killed, and the reactions of those close to him.

  • Peace and Pieces

    The Twilight War is over, and now all that's left is to say goodbye. An alternate take on what happened at the Mirror Chamber after Ganondorf's defeat. Little bit of Link/Midna fluff inside if you look for it.

  • Reflection

    As an old Dovahkiin nears the end of his life, he wonders what will become of him in death. I do not own the Elder Scroll series.