
  • The Bar

    The bar is small, dimly lit, and mostly brown. The location doesn't matter, just those who come to visit. Get yourself a glass of anything, be seated, you are welcome. If you wait long enough, you'll be able to see everyone again. Just you wait. [Slight Shakarian/Shiara and a ton of feels]

  • Endless Night

    After Seeds of Truth/Point of No Return (spoilers!) Caithe/Faolain. They chased Wynne over half the globe, decisions were made, fates were sealed. And now here we are, facing the consequences. What will become of Sylvari now? What will become of them?

  • Yours

    They give in, just this once. Caithe/Faolain. Girl-on-girl plant action with a sauce of desperation and resentment. You're welcome.

  • Keep Quiet

    The world is built on secrets and lies and those in power know about both. Though for some, those secrets are too personal to face. For Scarlet Briar, they are merely means to an end. Set before the release of the Twilight Arbor Aetherpath.