
  • Angelic Prince

    Anastacia Retelling. When Ex-Prince Lucifer attacks the royal family, Gabriel is left as the lone survivor. Legends of Castiel fulfill the street Enochia, wherein the ruins of the old palace, Dean and Sam Winchester meet mysterious orphan Cas.

  • Eclipse

    When Cassandra betrays her, Rapunzel has to figure out the identity of the Eclipse that she was told about and get them on her side while her job might be easier than she thought due to the actions of her parents in regards to an alchemist.

  • Greg Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    James and Lily had two sons, twins, Harry and Greg. One Halloween Greg was named the Boy Who Lived and Harry was named the Lucky One. They are now eleven and about to begin their first year at Hogwarts School and Witchcraft and Wizardry.

  • Scarhead

    A series of one shots from Harry Potter.

  • Newspaper

    One Shot. When John was shot and sent back to England, he left people behind who miss him. Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock.

  • The Pain Of John Paul

    A series of one shots about John Paul. Disclaimer: Do not own Hollyoaks

  • Blonde Knots

    A series of one shots based from Disney's Tangled.

  • Sherlock's Story

    Part of a series. As Mycroft listened to his little brother getting in trouble for attempting to dig up the hamster, a girl turned up in his room and offered him to see Sherlock's future. Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock

  • Ted's Story

    Part of a series. After being left at the alter, Ted has locked himself in his room. Worried, his friends are visited by a girl called Loretta, who shows them an event from the future. Disclaimer : I do not own How I Met Your Mother

  • Hiccup's Story

    Part of a series. Stoick and Hiccup have another argument, and after sending Hiccup away, Stoick is visited by a girl who wants to show him a future Hiccup. Disclaimer: I do not own How To Train Your Dragon

  • Laborem Administrari

    A collection of Harry Potter oneshots about the Marauders: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettingrew.

  • To Remember Them

    A series of one shots where Lily and James are remembered.

  • Becoming Them

    The original New Directions (Kurt, Tina, Mercedes, Artie, Rachel and Finn) are taken from their time and put into a future New York. Staying with an out and proud Kurt, and his husband, and members of the New Directions visiting to see the Time Travellers, it is enough to confuse anyone.

  • Destiny : Jack

    Watch The Movie. The Overlands get pulled into a room and told that they are going to learn about their dead son. The Guardians and the children also get to watch, and Jack too.

  • Best Friends

    John and Sherlock have known each other since they were kids. John finally come homes from war and Scotland Yard meets the real Sherlock.

  • Christopher

    A series of one shot about my favourite Charmed character. Chris.

  • Finding A Friend

    Sherlock Holmes and John Watson met through Mike Stamford. What they don't know is that everyone teamed together to find someone who can cope with Sherlock Holmes.

  • Guilty Conscience

    Valka and the tribe she left fifteen years ago end up in a movie theatre.

  • Feels Like Flying

    A series of one shots based around Klaine, Kurt and Blaine, and the relationship they have.

  • Frozen Snowdrop

    A series of one shots from Frozen.