

  • The Drive in Germany

    Fluff. Cas has something he needs to confess to Dean, but how will he take the reveal? Destiel one-shot. Angel!Cas. Rated M for language and because I'm paranoid. Super cute Destiel, no smut (sorry, look at my others if you want that!), basically my headcanon of how Dean and Cas could get together in the show.

  • The Music in my Heart

    Fluffy/smut. Dean and Cas slowly fall in love with each other, and we get to watch it happen! All the love, fluff, sweetness and sexual tension you can want! And maybe some sexual release? Angel!Cas, Destiel all the way. I like happy endings so no angst. Rated M for content, situations...pretty much the whole story. Complete.

  • The Gift

    Smut/Fluff. After Sam and Anna's wedding, Dean surprises Sam with an unexpected gift. Big decisions are made involving Sam and Anna's relationship as well as Dean and Cas. Part three in the Us Against Them trilogy (sequel to Witches and Winchesters). Destiel, Sam/Anna. Rated M for lots of smutty good times. Happiness because the fandom deserves it.

  • Swimming Lessons

    Fluff. Dean decides to teach the newly human Castiel how to swim. Awkwardness and fluff ensue. Destiel (Can I write anything else? Apparently not.), oneshot, complete.

  • Witches and Winchesters

    Fluff/smut. Sequel to Us Against Them. Dean, Sam, Cas and Anna solve the mystery of what haunts the old asylum, but are then faced with an unexpected curse. Destiel, Sam/Anna. Full of fluff and smutty goodness. Updating often. Rated M for obvious reasons. Very minimal angst, mostly happy fluff and smut, because our fandom deserves to be happy. [COMPLETE] [THIRD PART UP NOW!]

  • Us Against Them

    Fluff/Smut/Adventure. Dean and Sam are hunted down by demons looking for Cas. When they retreat to the Bunker, Cas and Dean are free to explore their feelings for each other. Rated M for smut (obviously) and language. Destiel, because apparently that's all I know how to write. No angsty ending, NO CHARACTER DEATH. Our fandom could use some happiness. [COMPLETE] [Sequel up now too!]

  • Where's Waldo?

    Fluffy fluffiness. Dean and Cas bond over a book, which leads to some surprising revelations. Lots of love and sweetness. One shot. Destiel (of course). Fallen!Cas. Rated T for some mild language.

  • Finding Happiness

    Fluffy/smut. After destroying a dangerous werewolf colony, Dean gives Garth some sound advice: who cares where happiness comes from as long as you're happy? But not all the werewolves were killed, and they want revenge. Will Dean live to find his happiness? Rated M for smut in final chapter. Angel!Cas. Destiel all the way! Complete. Picture credit: DeviantArt's Life-Writer.

  • Homework with Hermione

    Hermione is feeling a little jealous of Ron's relationship with Lavender, and decides to "release some tension" with Harry one night in the common room. Pure smutty smut, so rated M. Hermione/Harry.