
  • The Snow Destiny

    Trollfic with its commentary. Ever heard of Snow Destiny? Of course not. It's new. This is the story of Snowkit. Yeah. "Snowkit you are special." blah blah blah. Story mostly centers on her brother Fangkit, who's albino, and probably the only one sane in the entire FawnClan. Follow Fangkit as Snowkit saves/destroys the Clans. Maybe.

  • Snowmen

    It's only seven words, and a phrase she has repeated them so much over the years it now slips off her tongue as natural as a 'hello'. But hearing them from Elsa? Anna grins, and pounces on her, tackling her in a hug. "Yes!" (Bonding, no shippings. Post Frozen.)

  • Always Be Here

    "Exactly what you told me all those years ago. Or have you forgotten that too?" (Jason and Dick centric, no slash.)

  • Math

    According to her calculations, nothing should have changed. But everything has.

  • Pulling the Moon's Daughter from the Sun and Dipping it in Salt

    Commentary to 'Tossing the Moon's Daughter into the Sun'. Which is also a commentary. To an impossibly awful fic to dishonor Artemis. R&R, people!

  • Way Too Much Fun

    Operation: Get-Blackmail-Material-About-Artermis went badly. Really badly. Might have had something to do with Roy. And a girl named Jade….

  • 57 Reasons to Hate Wally West

    And, Artemis swears by God they're all true. She really does hate him. Maybe. (Spitfire)

  • Monsters

    Nico is sure he is a monster. Admit it, he is sorta right. He also thought he was the only one. But this time, he's wrong. (Second chapter is up!)

  • Heir Apparent

    Nychterida and Shayan have been at war since forever. And the Dark Knight, King of Gotham is dead. His adopted sons lay claim on his throne. Crown Prince Damian Wayne is on the run./ Caroline Hill has a problem. Like, except for being a physically useless guy in a military world. Yeah. A guy. She's a guy. Oops. (AU, Full details inside, eventual JayDick and DamiTim.)

  • Smile

    It's Jason's alone, and no one can ever take it from him. (Post Jason's resurrection, but before the Bats discover he's back. Can be read as one-sided JayDick.)

  • Apocalypse

    The Apocalypse strikes again, sweeping through Gotham even harsher than last time. Robin and Red Robin are the sole survivors. And Tim is dying. (DamiTim shipping towards the end. Note: NOT Contagion.)

  • Cowl

    Batman is dead, and Gotham needs her Knight. Damian, Tim and Dick discuss who will become the next Bats. Jason, being Jason listens from the roof. And he's way less than happy with the results. (Jason centric. Interpret this thing as you want.) R&R!

  • Lights

    Gotham is such a corrupted city. Fills of mobsters, drug dealers. But it has surprising quirks. T for a single swear word.

  • Belief

    It's been three hundred years since he last saw her. At least. But she'll pop up again, like she always does. (Post RotG)

  • Brother

    Tim hates the memorial. The people there should be honored. Maybe he didn't know Tula or Ted Kord personally, but he knew Jason. (Batfam bonding.)

  • Just a Dream

    It's all just a dream. (Anna-centric, no shippings. I only just realized that had said shilings.)

  • Young Justice: Linchpin

    JUNE 20, 2016 Wally West, aka Kid Flash has died to save the world. FORTY YEARS INTO THE FUTURE, nothing has changed. Earth 16 is doomed. But it doesn't matter. It was just a linchpin. (Young Justice Season Three. Rated T for crippling, deaths, injuries, and Jason Todd. The kid hits people with a crowbar.)

  • Waffle Irons

    He's dead, but he still lives on. In more ways then one. / Jason hates waffle irons. (Temporary oneshot. May be updated.)

  • Bella Gerant Alii

    Hate me. (Jaime and Scarab bonding, shipping if you squint. Post Impulse and pre-Intervention.)

  • Sound Pollution

    There's a terrifying sound wracking the Wayne Mansion. And no, the Joker hasn't broken in, and those are not screams. They're something much, much worse. (Dick-centric, Batman fun. No ships. Daddybats-ish.) (I would rate this thing T, for well, you'll see, but eh.)