Page Purity

  • Dead or Alive?

    Post OotP. The mauraders are stuck in there animal forms. Harry refuses to believe they are alive. The mauraders try to get back their human form and convice him that they are themselves. COMPLETE

  • James Porter? Potter?

    When a new client comes for dinner at the Dursley's Harry finds family

  • Harry Potter and the Trial of Sirius Black

    Read Harry Potter and the Gifts of Erised First! Everything is going great now. Harry is happier than he has ever been. But how long can it last? At least he has a family to help him through bad times.

  • Harry Potter and the Gifts of Erised

    Chapter 1 Revised Harry Potter is starting his sixth year at Hogwarts. Last year he lost his godfather. He will never see him again. Or will he? With the right help he just might get his bigest wish, a family.