
  • Every Inch A Flame

    "I love her, and that's the beginning and end of everything." -F. Scott Fitzgerald. A collection of one-shots featuring the friendship and love between two wizards who were never given the chance to be soulmates. If things had worked out differently, how different would they be? Harry/Luna.

  • Luna's Little Book of Wisdom

    Luna's little book of wisdom has was found in her room under her bed, after the battle of Hogwarts. It was addressed to her Hogwarts friends. Learn from Luna as she jots down some of her memories, pastes letters and documents, and just plain gives advice in this simple tale. It is not so surprising how many things you can learn from Luna Lovegood.

  • Loony for Lovegood

    Takes place in Harry's 7th Year at Hogwarts. Harry Potter starts having feelings for a certain Luna Lovegood and with each passing day realizes how truly special she is. It isn't until Harry thinks he's lost everything when he finally understands how truly Loony for Lovegood he is. Haruna.