
  • It's Just a Spark

    Darcy Stark. Thor/Loki bromance, Loki rehab. BROTP Tazertricks. ScienceBros! Thane! Surrogate Dad Clint! WinterShock, Bucky fix-it.

  • If There's A Future, We Want It (Now)

    Darcy Lewis was born in the early 1900's, and winds up living in a dingy apartment complex above these two fellas. The rest, as they say, is history. Darcy/Steve, Bucky Barnes is a lil' shit, Howard is awesome, Peggy's a badass.

  • Hotshot

    Jack Francis Barton, twenty one, (chipped tooth, busted face lookin', master thief and hand-to-hand combat specialist) kidnapped by HYDRA with some of his best friends. Feat. Clint Barton's spitting image growing up and learning what life is like without a father.