

  • You and Me

    Harry and Raven are both found alive after that night and are sent to live with the Dursley's where they are abused. What happens when in stead of Hagrid saving the twins Severus Snape does? Bad/Dumbles Good/Tom

  • Hurting Inside

    What if the Sorting hat wouldn't sort Harry because of his abusive childhood? What if Harry ended up being adopted? What if Harry Potter fell in love with a certain Slytherin? Contains Grey/Bad/Harry Good/Tom Bad/Dumbles Be warned this is a slash fic- don't like, don't read

  • Don't Forget Me

    What if Harry had a twin called Raven? What if they were both Parslemouths? What if they were both sent to the Dursley's after that Halloween night? What if they were both abused by the Dusley's? What would happen if certain people started to worry because they didn't receive their letters? What if one of the tins died before anyone could find them? So many What If's?

  • Unlucky

    What if Ryoma didn't have a happy home life after all? This fic will probably contain slash so if you don't like don't read!

  • Away For Awhile

    When Allen is hit by a lazar from a time-traveling Komurin 6 and sent into the Shingeki no Kyojin universe chaos insures, (especially when Kanada arrives on the scene). Contains fun times and lot of laughter. Rated T for language and because there might be sexual themes And this is a slash fic now so be warned! 8)