
  • Flu in Florem

    Anges falls ill and must be nursed back to health - a task that involves the whole party!

  • Set Sail

    Mini fics focusing on a variety of different ships.

  • Love is Infinite

    "Do you think it's possible to love more than one person?" Angels and divinities alike fumble through what it means to live and love.

  • A Pet-icular Proposition

    Palutena has a little idea to make 'playtime' with Pit a bit more interesting...

  • Superhuman Touch

    It's never hard for Viridi to find her newest officer when he's out of things to do.

  • Elementalists

    Each Warrior of Light feels drawn to particular elements.

  • Flight

    Maybe it was a simple case of missing something. [Postgame, spoilers for chapter 4 , implied Alternis/Edea/Ringabel]

  • The Gift

    Alternis wanted to thank her, to return some of her kindness, but he didn't know how. (blood, violence)

  • The Missing Flock

    The others teased him about it, of course. That no matter how long or far they traveled, Tiz would always be a shepard.

  • Before My Body is Dry

    The prompt: "Ringabel was initially thrilled when Edea began to adorn the Bravo Bikini in favor of job outfits, but soon it becomes too distracting for him to handle. Also, it doesn't help that the outfit catches everyone's attention."

  • Sweet Disposition

    Edea hadn't meant anything when she bought the box of chocolates for her and Agnès to share, but, well...one thing led to another, and... [Edea/Agnes]

  • Small Promise

    Edea and Alternis were young, once.

  • Best Said Plans

    The prompt: "Tiz attempts to tell Angès how he feels about her, but suffers from a severe case of cannot spit it out. His friends give him questionable advice on the subject."

  • Say Goodnight and Go

    This wasn't like the last four visits to the vampire's castle. Agnès had a purpose here. A question she needed answered, and getting the answer would not be easy. (Implied Spoilers)

  • Safe and Sound

    Some things never changed. Eternian Central Command remained a cold, imposing place, full of solemn corridors and hostility. But there was a pocket of light and openness - Edea's room, which always stayed unlocked and was always familiar.

  • Please Understand

    Edea is willing to do so much for Agnès...if only she could make her understand. (Agnès/Edea; T for girls kissing girls)