Jim Carnival

  • Plaster Diamonds, Silver Linings

    Tamako felt as though everything were crumbling around her. It wasn't fair that some people could breeze through life while she trudged. Just when Tamako needs it least, Mrs. Honekawa visits, and brings something she needs most. Silver linings are fine, but Tamako would prefer the string of diamonds. Tamako Nobi/Mrs. Honekawa.

  • Sharing is for Suckers

    In the scorching pit of a summer day, Suneo decides that nothing would be better than a lollipop. Unfortunately, such a lollipop currently resides in Gian's mouth. Sharing is over-romanticized, anyway. Prompt result. Slight Gian/Suneo.

  • Top Percentage

    When Gian stumbled over a secret of Suneo's, he never thought a tube of lipstick would lead him into trouble; or that a moment of daring could get him out of it. ჯ Adult!Gian/Suneo. One-shot.

  • Vanilla

    Gian doesn't buy Suneo ice cream just to be generous. It's more an act of selfish motive. ჯ Gian/Suneo. One-shot.

  • Qualms Before a Storm

    Words hurt, and Nobisuke's words were Suneki's chronic pain. Suneki never thought that Nobisuke would realize the impact one remark could have. He certainly never expected Nobisuke to apologize while holding his hands on a bed in the middle of a storm. Nobisuke/Suneki.

  • Breakfast

    Perry arrived earlier than expected, but precisely on time to share an unplanned breakfast of tuna casserole with Doofenshmirtz. He had forgotten, however, that conversations with Doofenshmirtz could be lethal to one's appetite. Prompt result.

  • Murphy's Law

    It was Nova's fault for upsetting Peter. Who could blame Peter for being angry over Nova's whiny accusations of "you hate me, don't you?" Peter never intended to prove Nova wrong through such drastic measures. It wasn't as if pinning him to a sidewalk and swabbing tongues would help matters. It couldn't completely hurt, though.

  • The Zen Zone

    Sam was fraying. Between S.H.I.E.L.D, school, and chores at home, he felt that there weren't enough hours in the day. He noted with envy that Danny, however, was always calm, no matter what was exploding around him. Maybe Sam could learn something about relaxation.

  • Splitting Yin and Yang

    The war was as good as lost. All resources were gone. Both Sasuke and Naruto were fading into unreachable cold recesses, and the only warmth among the gore and rubble was knowing that they could keep their numb hands entwined in a bloody knot on the sand.

  • Seven Scarlet Petticoats

    Jessie lost her favorite dress, and there existed nothing capable of calming the fury of a red-haired hurricane. Nothing, except for an equally beautiful dress from James's closet. Jessie never understood why James acted so upset with her all the time when it was her world that so often came crashing down. She didn't realize that she did the same to his. Jessie/James.

  • Spicy Pine Bullets

    Naruto met a businessman named Sasuke on the bus. Naruto found nothing about him interesting, until he caught a whiff of Sasuke's cologne. Never had pine and the rainforest smelled so attractive. Naruto might never meet Sasuke again, but a Spicy Pine Bullet would be lodged in his heart forever. Light one-sided NaruSasu.