
  • El Nuevo Orden Mundial

    Nuevo Orden Mundial, Bleach, AU, Aliens

  • A new girl in town

    Jenna will bring several hidden enemies

  • Algo que creías que no existía

    Algo que creías que no existía, lo pondré en mi lengua natal, español

  • The True Clairvoyant

    The girl's name, is Glorie Jenkins, a girl of 21 years old

  • strange nightmares

    Lou Days is a girl of about 17 years, she moved to Springwood with his mother and stepfather, she is new to the school, she is a girl with psychic powers, she is a medium. They move into the house that belonged to Freddy Krueger, is a house full of paranormal energy, Lou will be in a strange and scary place

  • Una Nueva Sailor Scout: Sailor Sun

    ¡ Sailor Sun al poder !

  • A witch at Camp Crystal Lake

    Nina Drake is a 18 year old girl, she goes to Camp Crystal Lake, is now for young adults and adolescents

  • The Salvation of the World

    Jade Coulson is the adopted daughter of Phil, she has many powers, she is saving the world, I do not own Marvel, I do not own the characters, I own Jade Coulson, my OC

  • The daughter of Tony Stark

    Tony Stark had an affair with a young woman named Rose Drake, she really is Karnilla, the Norm, Norheim queen, she became pregnant with Tony, she had to go, she moved to Kansas to live as a mortal, she gave birth powerful a girl, but she returned to Norheim, and put the baby orphanage

  • Vampire Diaries: A different version

    Elena Gilbert a girl who lost her parents for months, she lives with her brother Jeremy and her aunt Jenna, she will find love, she is a human Jade Therdaux is a girl who lost her father and her mother abandoned her, she lives with her older brothers, she is a witch, has a friend named Kerry Williamson Stefan/Elena, OC

  • A Very Powerful Witch

    It's my first fanfic of True Blood, the series is I'm liking it much, just the plot, I do not own the series, only I own my OC, Claire Dopunt Eric/OC Sookie/Alice

  • A mightier power than the Aether

    20 years after the events of Thor A Dark World

  • Una chica extraña

    Loki/OC, quiero escribirla en Español, mi lengua natal, y si tiene exito la pongo en Ingles, bueno que la disfruten, post Thor: Un Mundo oscuro

  • A strange Angel

    Phantom of the opera was condemned to immortality, a witch condemned him, the witch had been in love with Erik, but he was still in love with Christine, he rejected her, the woman became very angry, she avenged Erik

  • The vengeful God and protector

    Odette Hale is a 19 year old girl, she is a nerd and geek girl, all tease her, Odette is humiliated, she is the derision of her college, she suffers much, she lives with her sister and boyfriend her sister, she is humiliated by her sister and boyfriend Post Thor Dark World

  • The old threat

    The Avengers reunited to face an old enemy, they found another tesseract, a new character, a powerful girl, but that girl is a mystery to all, she has many powers appears, no one knows she has many powers, others shield agents are finding out who is clairvoyant

  • My Journey to Asgard

    It is a new version of Adventure in Asgard, but a little different, Loki / OC

  • The Daae Sisters

    Two girls, descendants of Christine Daae, only her, they are sisters, they are Swedish, Amanda and Jenna Daae, Amanda is the largest, and Jenna is the lowest are Orphan from small, Jenna has her Angel of Music, Jenna is the choir singer, Amanda, is the dancer Erik/OC And OC/OC

  • A Voice in the head

    Jade Coleman is a girl with psychic powers, she lives with her parents, and her older sisters, Jade has always been very sencible, she always has to fight paranormal experiences, now she hears a voice in his head, the voice said to be Loki, Post Thor: Dark World

  • The Chosen One

    There is a great power, a power that everyone wants to take is a huge and good power, power is called "Power Infinity", the carriers of that power are women, only women, it is a power stronger than the supreme power and the infinite power is more powerful than the power of the three