Malaizjan P.J. Shultz

  • The Search for Damian Wayne

    Damian Wayne is still alive! Now it's up to Jason, Terry and the others to track him down...for Bruce's sake. But will Ra's give up his grandson? #1 in NEW collab series w/ Reina Grayson. Final series in BB universe series.

  • An Apprentice's Future

    #28 in series w/Reina Grayson. The LOD has won, unless Rave & Archeron (Omega Squad) go back in time to stop Stalker from killing off Roy Harper & Reiena Grayson & rescue Wally West from the Speed Force. Can they do it? Can Dick, Jason, Tim, Barb, Bruce & Terry work together to keep the LOD from getting Watchtower? Can the Batman Beyond Young Justice team prevail?

  • The Return of Wayne Enterprises

    Decades ago, Bruce lost his company to the Powers Family. Now, he can get it back. And who's going to run the company for Bruce? #4 in collab series with Reina Grayson

  • Baby-Sitting No-No

    It's Date Night for the grandparents and Meygan Greyson volunteered to watch the 1 year old kids and 2 year old Wesley Kent. Is she going to regret this? Rate t for a swear word. #3 in collab series with Reina Grayson

  • Adjusting

    Damian Wayne is adjusting to life away from his grandfather. But Zacharius Myrddain has him suspicious. And he goes to Dick with them. #2 in collab series with Reina Grayson

  • Young Justice in the Batman Beyond Universe: The Back Story

    This fic is the back story of YJ in the BB universe. There're things both Reina & I will touch on, including Terry's birth, Bruce losing all of his protégés & the birth of the next gen team. So sit back, grab a snack & enjoy the fic! (This fic will have random updates) Rated T for some chapters. *Chapter 6 & 7 has cursing in it*

  • Professor Zoom and the WRONG Impulse

    Professor Zoom is back and out to get Bart and Wally. What happens when he gets Iesha West and a disguised Wesley Kent instead? Will Wally and Bart finally get rid of the evil speedster? *There is some swearing in chapter 2*

  • The Phantom Princess

    It's been 6 months since Zordon's power saved the universe. Now with a forgotten ranger resurfacing, the combined might of the original rangers, Trey of Triforia, the Phantom Ranger and the Space Rangers may not be enough to stop 2 beings that somehow survived Zordon's sacrifice... Can they save the forgotten ranger and the universe?

  • The Archer's Whisper

    Vincent has been hit with Fear Toxin. But he sees someone that he swears is dead? Is he dreaming? Or was that encounter real?

  • Us Vs Them

    The Master has a plan: Use Vincent to get Meygan. What happens when the young mother runs right into his trap? Can Damian, Jason, Roy and the others save Rave and Archeron from the Master? *mild swearing*

  • The Croissant Mission

    Iesha West, the daughter of Wally and Artemis West, goes on a midnight run to Paris to get croissants. Wesley Kent, the youngest son of Conner and M'gann Kent, tags along. What could go wrong?

  • Revenge is a Sweet Wine

    The Greyson family is about to get bigger. But a villain will not let them rest. What happens when the mating bond of a Kryptonian is tested? Can Terry and Max find the villain before SBP does? #35 in Collab series

  • The Wish

    Today is Vincent's 16th birthday and everyone has come to celebrate! Will he get the one thing he's always wanted?

  • Defying Fate

    This is #32 in the collab w/Reina Grayson. While training in the mountains, Rave was given a chance to bring someone forward to her time by the Master Fate himself. Today, 91 hours after the fall of the LOD, she finally makes her choice.