Emma Lynch

  • The Storyteller

    A series of vignettes from Baker Street post S4 AU, where Sherlock and John share the life and times of a consulting detective online. But, no matter how curated John intended this to be, everyone should have remembered that the camera never lies.

  • When Sherlock Met the Other One

    Sequel to "Emails From Uppsala" - Two years on, and Sherlock has a son, a beautiful pathologist and a family conundrum to solve. It s such a good job John Watson is around to stop some terrible decision making... Oh, and remember The Case of The Devil s Flower? Professor Moriarty does, and he can t quite get Sherlock out of his head. Brother? Sister? Who is the Other One?

  • Quarantine

    This is a response to a prompt by Conchepcion on Tumblr: "Sherlock and Molly don't get on so much post-hlv. During one of the evenings Sherlock finally gets Molly to work with him they get exposed to some disease and put under quarantine. Ensue the two bickering it out behind locked rooms for almost a week. Someone write it." So, I have written it, and here it is. (Stand alone)

  • The Winter Writings Challenge 2014

    Hades Lord of the Dead has once again challenged us to a month long adventure of writing. Each day, for the month of December, will entail a new story based on exchanged prompts.

  • The Best Man: Losing John Watson

    Set six months after Fly on the Wall . Sherlock hasn't always understood the value of friends and family, considering himself an automaton, a solver of puzzles, a brain without a heart. Certainly, he is blessed, but someone out there wants to show him just how much love and friendship should matter, and the price you might pay if you lose those who are close. Where is John Watson?

  • Fly on the Wall:Following Sherlock Holmes

    Sequel to Late:A Study in Punctuality . There s a crime wave in London and something must be done. Sherlock Holmes is no superhero, so why is everyone watching him so expectantly? And, talking of expectant , Molly Hooper seems to rather have her hands full too. Adventure; humour; friendship and love - always the love... So, let s all follow Sherlock!

  • Late: A Study In Punctuality

    "Lateness is your greatness, Lestrade. It is the fall back position of so many disorganised bodies in this great city." Sherlock Holmes hates to be kept waiting and doesn't everyone know it. It s going to take a combination of John s blog, the mockery of his friends and the love of a certain pathologist to show him the error of his ways... Humour, cases and, of course, love!

  • Emails from Uppsala

    Sequel to The Science of Attraction and prequel to The Curious Incident... , the tale of Molly Hooper s eight months as a Research Assistant at Uppsala University is revealed in a series of emails to and from her Baker Street friends. Only Sherlock and Mycroft know of her pregnancy, and of the danger she could be in...AKA A Very Swedish Pregnancy !

  • Sherlock Sleeps: Bedtime Stories

    What would happen if Sherlock s racing engine brain became dulled and slow due to lack of sleep? Bad for anyone, but especially bad when Mycroft and his ministers are breathing down your neck. Sherlock needs to get some sleep, or very bad people will walk free. Who can help him switch off? How do you help a thinker to stop thinking? The clock is ticking...

  • When Janine Met Molly

    Janine McKenna has never really met Molly Hooper - not properly. So, she, by chance, catches sight of her in a London café, she feels it only right to share a few truths about that Sherlock Holmes - before it really is too late for Molly. Janine can teach Molly Hooper a thing or two - question is, what can Molly teach Janine?

  • The Science Of Attraction

    Sherlock Holmes has quite a different life now (see my other fics) but how the HECK did that happen? What is the back story to the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper? How could a Reasoning Machine ever find his true heart? Maybe there is a scientific explanation? The truth that is in plain sight all along. Let s look for the clues along the way...

  • The Case of the Devils Flower

    "Sherlock s playing in his lab, But, truth be told, he s feeling drab, A little break would be just fab, But look who s got him on his slab..." How do you manage a family in the midst of clues, crimes and arch-nemeses? Sherlock has to find a way. John and Sherlock leave their beloved London only to find themselves slap-bang in the middle of ... trouble. Holidays are so overrated.

  • Driving Miss Demeanours

    Remember during "The Hounds" when Sherlock was driving? Who knew he could drive? When did that happen, and, more importantly, who on earth had the patience to teach him? I wonder what really happened, behind the scenes...

  • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Quiet Time

    John Watson is curious. (Post season 3). Sherlock is back from the dead and has a shiny, new, in-house laboratory; John has a new baby and Molly Hooper has a (temporary) new address. An awful lot of "new-ness" - a strange and unsettling time for John. There is something strange about Mr. Holmes - something new, bizarre and - beautiful. Help John - he s looking for clues.