
  • Night-Shift Shenanigans

    Serena and Hanssen are on a regular night-shift on Keller, but Michael and Jac are on a drunken mission...

  • Standing Strong

    Serena Campbell prides herself on being a good Consultant. However, when a patient takes a dangerous disliking to her, how safe should she feel?

  • Friday Nights Required

    When Hanssen and Serena are told to attend weekly meetings at St. James's, they realise they themselves must also hold an extra weekly meeting. Will they be spending too much time together...or not enough? *Reviews greatly appreciated*

  • Just Keep Walking

    Serena is dealt some devastating news. Leaving the other character up to your imaginations. One-Shot.

  • Feelings Unexpected

    Henrik Hanssen and Serena Campbell are colleagues who have always had a fractious relationship. Is there a chance of that changing? (First FanFic...be gentle...)

  • New Game, New Rules

    When an opportunity too great to ignore presents itself and a piece of unexpected news unfolds, are the battle lines about to be redrawn? (Sequel to 'Stockholm Calling', third instalment of 'Friday Nights Required'.)

  • Train Games

    Hanssen and Serena take the train to a Conference in Glasgow. Who will they meet along the way and will they arrive on better terms than when they left?

  • Stockholm Calling

    *Sequel to 'Friday Nights Required'* When Hanssen and Serena are forced to make a trip to Stockholm to visit his ailing father, how will he cope when his past, present and future collide? With Serena feeling the strain, can she let go of her past and focus on her future?

  • Don't Speak

    Sometimes there are no words, but sometimes, there doesn't need to be.

  • There's Just Something About Hotels

    Hanssen, Serena, Jac and Michael are attending a Surgical Conference in Manchester. What is it about Hotels which makes us act first, think later?