
  • Epilogus iugis - Frederick

    Percy and his son Frederick saying goodbye - while not saying the things that matter. AU depending on your definition of canon. I'm playing in JK Rowling's universe, of course. Part one of the Epilogus iugis universe. Epilogus iugis is next gen, but is based purely on what is in the original books.

  • Epilogus iugis - Rose

    Rose can't wait to get to Hogwarts. Epilogus iugis is a connected set of short pieces. Part four of the Epilogus iugis universe. AU depending on your definition of canon. I'm playing in JK Rowling's universe, of course.

  • Epilogus iugis -James

    James feels he has done all a big brother could do and now he has his second year at Hogwarts to look forward to. Epilogus iugis is a connected set of short pieces. Part five of the Epilogus iugis universe. AU depending on your definition of canon. I'm playing in JK Rowling's universe, of course.

  • Epilogus iugis - Albus

    Albus is on the Hogwarts train for the first time. AU depending on your definition of canon. I'm playing in JK Rowling's universe, of course. Part three of the Epilogus iugis universe

  • Epilogus iugis - Scorpius

    Scorpius leaves for Hogwarts. AU depending on your definition of canon. I'm playing in JK Rowling's universe, of course. Part two of the Epilogus iugis universe.

  • The Outsiders

    NIkki and Ivan and how it feels to *not* be Miles. A drabble.

  • The Fall of Leaves

    Legolas remembers Aragorn and Boromir's deaths. Probably a bit bookverse, a bit movie verse and a bit the NZ woods I was standing in.

  • The Whisper of the Wind

    A Rider of Rohan remembers Theodred.

  • To the Sea

    Legolas and Eldarion on the banks of the Anduin. This is either a quadruple drabble or a short-short.