

  • What it Takes

    No one knows pain of having no power to protect others. No one knows the struggle of proving one self to others to show that you do belong. But those that do, have friends and followers that will fellow them to the battle field. Sorry bad summery, but please read story

  • New Life as a Devil

    Being hit by a car and dying afterwards was not the way anyone wanted there life to end. Being turned into a devil and thrown into a new life was something that should seem to be fantasy. But Naruto is now aware of the supernatural. What kind of trouble can he get into? -Naruto born into Highschool DXD universal chapter 7 edited

  • The Hunter

    Naruto at a young age left the elemental nations and founded by a pair of Hunters. Seeing the young boy needing a home and a goal in life give him one. Watch as the young Shinobi becomes one of the best Hunters of his time. Being rewritten