
  • Promises and Pain

    Tag 3.17: It had taken them three times to get to this point, this place where they now were. It had taken anger, harsh words, whispers and caresses. It had taken tears together and separately for them to reach their final understanding of what they were. More than friends, so much more, lovers in fact, but it had taken them three times to get that settled between them.

  • The Choices We Make

    Sharon and Andy each have time to think about the latest events during the recital (ep 3.13). Having both decided this warrants further discussion, they make time to be alone and talk things through.

  • Much to be Thankful For

    Since they are all supposed to be off the actual holiday, Sharon has decided to cater a little Major Crimes Thanksgiving the day before to show her gratitude for them as a whole. Provenza grabs an opportunity to briefly chat with her as does Andy.

  • I'm Only Human

    Jack has decided a family conference call is the best course of action to take before the Judge signs the divorce papers at their next court date. The conversation between Jack, Emily, Ricky and Sharon Raydor does not go exactly as planned. Sharon ends up in serious mother-mode. Shandy friendship in last two paragraphs.