
  • Power of Love

    12 years after The Chunin exams, Karin and L go to Japan to head the Kira investigation. Powers will be obtained and secrets revealed in this sequel to Honestly Curious.

  • Harry Potter and the Blood Wards

    Albus Dumbledore left Harry with his aunt because of blood wards. No horcruxes, mentions of child abuse. You have been warned. Hints of Harmony in last chapter

  • Into the Snake Pit

    How would Harry's life be different if a single thing was changed? Little Harry Potter finds a new home and learns that things are not always as they appear. Dumbledore-bashing Weasley-bashing. Good/neutral Malfoys. Eventual Harry/Daphne.

  • Too Bad

    Draco knew from the moment he first saw her that she was the one for him. Too bad he couldn't have her.

  • How My Life Would Be Different

    Harry thinks about how his life would be diffrent if his parents were alive