
  • Safe and Sound

    Auggie Anderson would do anything to keep Annie safe from those who would harm her... even if it meant going dark himself after all people will do anything for those they truly love. This is their story.

  • Caffeine, Mania, and Insomnia

    In other words, I feel really sorry for Dr. O right about now! Conner, Ethan, Trent, and Kira pull an all-nighter at Hayley's Cyberspace for their mid-terms, which last a week, on second thought, I feel really sorry Hayley too!

  • Better Together

    Tommy Oliver discovers that sometimes, it's better to go through life with a friend by your side than alone. Tommy/Hayley Friendship First Meeting

  • Little Moments

    Those little moments that no one else notices but for the two people involved? Those are the moments that build a strong friendship and an even stronger love. The little moments that make Auggie and Annie go from co-workers to friends to best friends to lovers.

  • Sick Inside

    Auggie contemplates on his life after his indiscretion against Annie with Helen. one shot

  • Saint Valentine

    Saint Valentine's Day comes and Hermione Granger is so busy in her revisions for OWLs that to her it is just another day on the calendar spent revising.

  • The Splinching of the Wand

    HarryRon100 Prompt: Splinched His apparition test was passed and most importantly his boyfriend was by his side.

  • Carnival of Rust

    sequel to 'She Walked Away'. Open war is upon them, with less than one year to prepare to hunt for the Horcruxes there is still a lot to learn and so much to do to be prepared for the final battle, but surviving while trying to find the Horcurxes is another battle all unto itself.

  • Everybody's Fool

    Hermione didn't stay at Hogwarts like everyone thought she would. As she embarks on a new journey at a new school she runs across a mysterious journal that belonged to a Tom Riddle and begins to form a friendship with the entity within. With news friends of interesting heritage Hermione soon learns that power and money are what it takes to make it within the wizarding world.

  • Back in the Line of Duty

    Sequel to 'Better Together' The island has blown up in his face, who better to recruit to help him solve the mystery than his best friend? Tommy Oliver is back in the line of duty trying to set up a command center and to pick three teens to train to become the next set of Power Rangers...but will the training kill them before they earn their Dino Gem?

  • She Walked Away

    Hermione Granger loved her family, but she knew that the fate of the Wizarding World lay in their hands. She didn't walk away out of love or hate; she walked away out of a desire to protect them.

  • Innocence

    The war has finally ended but things are not as good as everyone makes them out to be. Hermione Granger X Bill Weasley HarryPotterFanfiction Challenge 100 Prompts

  • Forever Yours

    Bella collapses into darkness after Edward leaves her. What will it take to bring her out of the darkness that has consumed her?

  • Hogwarts Library

    It's amazing what one can notice within the confines of the Hogwarts Library. Lily x Snape Hermione x Harry

  • Wasting All These Tears

    Hermione Granger has finally had enough of wasting her tears on one Ronald Weasley. A look back through their years at Hogwarts and all the tears she has shed over him. ONESHOT

  • The Dragon's Tamer

    War has broken out sooner than anyone expected; all high risk muggle borns are sent into hiding. Being basically held captive half way across the world will Hermione Granger sink into the fear or will she find love in the most unlikely of places.

  • Tasteless

    Pinch Hit from HD 500-- lomonaaeren Keywords: garden, ornamental, tasteless Dialogue: "That hurts me." Draco comes to the conclusion that Harry is tasteless. ONESHOT

  • Watching Unnoticed

    Prompt: Statue ///Prompt from HarryRon100 //// Watching Harry was he worked his way through his morning workout was like watching a piece of living art.