Zaria Braginski a.k.a. Moscow

  • Hello, Hetalia Calling

    Alvie was just a normal girl from Hamburg, Germany, who was forced to move to the United States for her Mother's new job. But what happens when she finds out the truth? About her life, and why does she have this strange feeling that she has met these people before? And who is this mysterious person trying to kill her?

  • The Fourth

    A small fluffy AmeRus oneshot to celebrate America's birthday!

  • How the World Came to be

    This day began like any other, all the countries were fighting with each other during their world meeting. But on this day Mother Earth and Father Time were getting tired of their petty fights and decided to do something about it.

  • The Three

    What if our favorite countries found out they were half bloods? What if our favorite countries were only 15-17? Read to find out.

  • Rebuilding the World

    The Hetalia countries are visited by the future personifications of the Earth to try to stop the countries fading before their time, but the new personifications must first smooth out their own relationships. Will this help or hurt their goal? And what other troubles will they meet along the way?

  • Yo Ho! It's A Pirate's Life For Me!

    England, America, Russia, France, Canada, Prussia, Germany, Italy, and Japan are taken from there world to an alternate universe by unknown forces to help the world's navel forces against... pirates. The countries are more than willing to help... but, after they find out who the pirates are things go from bad to worse.

  • Ice & Snow

    England figures out that there is another mage but has no clue who it could possibly be. Could there be more that one new mage and what happens when these mages don't want to be found? Rated M for language.

  • Capitals of Magic

    Each of the countries send their eldest child to Hogwarts to learn about magic. Follow them as relationships are destroyed and are made. Now, who's killing what again?

  • Royal Blood

    Step witch sisters Victoria Kendrick and Emilia Veneziano were raised in Wizarding America with their parents. Both families are known all over the world for their money and power. Follow the two sisters through their rise of power through their families ranks, and their adventures in Hogwarts.

  • Red

    Chapter 1 Since before he can remember Russia has always been able to see the 'red thread of fate'. He knows who his fellow countries are destined to be with, but for some reason he can't see his own. He doesn't know why he's just never been able to. Warnings: OOCness, yaoi, language, use of human names, gore, and violence

  • Prison

    Young mass murder Ivan Braginski has been found guilty of some of the most disturbing crimes known to mankind, and is sent to Hetalia International Prison, the most maximum security prison in the world. What will happen when he gets roomed with one Alfred F. Jones? WARNINGS: mentions of rape, cannibalism, descriptive violence, gore, yaoi, and Dark!Hetalia A very dark fic