Severus Regulus Dumbledore

  • Marauder Pranks 1

    Harry and Sirius decide to prank Trelawney in Sirius's animagus form.

  • Harry Potter and The Unravelling of Secrets

    Harry Potter is not a Potter. Instead, He is the son of Hogwarts' Headmaster and Deputy Headmaster. He is rescued and trained to his full potential and fulfills his destiny.

  • Hadrian and Harrius Potter and The Hidden Heritage

    Twins Hadrian and Harrius Potter were left with their "only living Muggle relatives" by Albus meddler Dumbledore and it was to train them to scarifice themselves for the Greater Good. The twins uncover a hidden heritage and go ahead of the Meddler and bring his supposed Greatness down.

  • Harry's Heritage (Rewrite of SuperSaiyajinVegetto's story)

    On his way back to London, Harry gets a letter that brings him interesting news about his heritage. Rating for safety. Slight Ron Bashing.

  • Harry Potter and The Hidden Heritage

    When Harry was cleaning the attic, he stumbles upon a trunk which contained Merlin's journal.He discovers a heritage hidden away for The Greater Good. He also realises that the Dursleys are not the only blood relatives he has. Severitus and Heritage fic. Dumbledore Bashing. MW,RW bashing. Harry/Hermione.