

  • Late Morning Talk

    I have always been offended in all Harmony stories by how often Weasleys are mercilessly bashed. I wanted to write this story as an exercise (without acknowledging what the final pairing will be) how Hermione (and Ginny in the background) could break up with Ron with honour and intelligence of all involved being left intact.

  • Prayers — another take

    Inspired by "Prayers by Master Spy advenger" (/s/6494461). Sometimes, there is nothing to do but pray. Hermione is lost and confused after wiping the memory of her parents. Centred around contemplation over Psalm 91.

  • Late Morning Talks

    Exercise on reasonable breakup of Hermione and Ron (and Ginny and Harry in the background). Written as criticism on too often used stereotypes in Harmony stories. Without any longer plot.

  • Lenka Láskorádová a Deník Temného Pána

    Plány Toma Radla se zhroutí, když Ginny Weasleyová ztratí jeho deník hned ve svém prvním roce školy a nalezne ho jistá Lenka Láskorádová. Následuje řada bizarních rozhovorů. Lenko? Ano, Tome? Hodně jsem nad tím přemýšlel … a myslím, že jsi šílená. Překlad anglické povídky „Luna Lovegood and the Dark Lord's Diary" od „The madness in me".

  • For a long run

    Everybody should use all opportunity to learn something new. Apparently, Draco has a lucky day today! (Written in the universe of The Accidental Animagus by White Squirrel)

  • Druhý život Petunie Dursleyové

    Petunie Dursleyová se celý život snažila být jenom normální. Nikdy by si nepomyslila, že největší nebezpečí pro její normálnost nejsou zlí černokněžníci a její synovec, ale že největším nebezpečím bude ona sama. A to hned na dvakrát. Petunie na Budči. / Work In Progress, mohou nastat změny i v publikovaných kapitolách. Připomínky vítány!

  • Aurors and Schoolgirls: Christmas: Distraction

    This is suggested 17th chapter of "Aurors and Schoolgirls" by Northumbrian. We were waiting for the continuation of the story for so long I have decided to take matter in my hands. The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution. - Albus Dumbledore

  • Her Gryffindor moment

    reply to the chapter 85 of The Missing Moments (/s/12377803/85/)

  • Honor of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

    Harry needs to talk with Kreacher before his marriage about the family values.

  • A little bit of sanity

    My pet peeve is when heroes of a book start to behave like idiots just to keep shaky story line intact. As great as J. K. Rowling is, even she managed to do it couple of times. So, these are my fixes