
  • Kick Start

    This is set some time in the not too distant future. But some things change for both Joan and Sherlock between then and now. If you asked them, they would say that the changes have been all for the better. Unless you ask Joan before she's had her morning caffeine. Romantic committed fluffiness and probably smut. NEW CHAPTER! Now the right chapter thanks to ANVera1 for the heads ups

  • Days to look forward to

    Now, this is set sometime after CA:TWS and we're in a much happier land. Steve gets his Bucky back and he's keeping him. Natasha and Clint are together in exactly the way that the arrow necklace implied and have bigger news. Steve and Bucky have an apartment in Tony's Avengers Tower. This is romantic all over, but nothing explicit. Now, on to the show.

  • SleepTight

    It's more the movie verse than the books. But Sam eventually follows Frodo across the sea. Now they're somewhat closer than they were on middle earth. Sam/Frodo romantic committed smut ahead. I am the queen.

  • Life's a Journey

    There was no way that I or the voices in my head from V were okay with the finale. My Erica wants Jack, not Hobbes. Nobody's getting blissed out of their minds. Tyler and Lisa are not getting ripped apart (literally or figuratively) and … yeah. Done ranting now. Erica/Jack fluffy future fic. Romantic committed smut and familyness ahead.

  • A Lazy Weekend Morning

    This is set in the same land as "Some enchanted evening" Will hates it when Hannibal leaves him alone in their bed. In fact, both of our boys are having issues with temperature and self-control. And Abigail… well, Abigail is not about to hang around with the romantic tension climbing that high. But first… bacon. Committed romantic slash smut ahead. I am the queen.

  • Better Than Blankets

    Post CA:TWS Steve is getting his Bucky back from the Winter Soldier. And after he gets Bucky back, their relationship is going to take on some… (hehehehe) aspects that didn't occur to either of them in the forties. Cue Steve/Bucky committed romantic smut. Even now, the boys are both recovering from their years in ice. Neither one likes the cold… at all.

  • Close Enough

    Steve/Danny romantic smut. How have I not shipped this pairing since season 1, I have no idea. The boys are getting more comfortable with all the elements of being together. Steve/Danny committed romantic smut, pwp.

  • Some Enchanted Evening

    Hannibal in my head promised that he would never hurt Will. So much had to happen differently for that to happen, like me ignoring big chunks of the season. Eventually, my Will and Hannibal have both left it behind no FBI or killing now, and moved to a cabin in the woods, together as a couple and Abigail followed as their adopted daughter. Fluffy family fic for my 3 broken peeps.

  • No hallucination

    The season one finale can bite me. Kate and Daniel's first kiss and everything else that follow it... will not be a hallucination. Kate/Daniel committed romantic smut ahead. I am the queen.

  • Afterschool 'Studying'

    Ron/Hermione romantic smut. My fic is set in the movie verse, not the books. I don't acknowledge the movies past #3. It's a little fluffy, and not universe canon in its details. Ron and Hermione distract each other from their school work. Enjoy.