

  • Hiraeth

    Draco had meant to start over, not end up in St. Mungo's psychiatric ward where he realises that the road to redemption is not an easy one. In his fight against his own past and new enemies, hope can appear in the strangest shapes and sizes, and sometimes, in the form of an annoyingly persistent healer named Astoria Greengrass.

  • Maybe This Christmas

    A collection of Twelve & Missy OneShots surrounding Christmas. Missy baking Christmas cookies shaped like famous aliens, the two of them having snowball fights, Missy getting drunk in Winter Wonderland and other fluffy things occur. . . Twelve/Missy.

  • The First Hurrah

    There was no more space left between them. All these walls that had divided them in the last few weeks – gone. It was as it always should have been. Clara and her Doctor united. Set on the Orient Express, the Doctor and Clara have a first hurrah of a whole different kind. Twelve/Clara. Rated M for sexual content.

  • One day you will be tired of women breaking your hearts

    Missy managed to escape and teleported herself into the Doctor's TARDIS. Before she leaves, they talk about how she came to be a woman and what happened on Gallifrey. OneShot. Slight hints of Twelve/Missy.

  • The Years of the Word

    The Doctor has vowed to never invite a human to travel with him ever again. When he meets Clara Oswald, however, he is tempted. The Doctor decides to stick around, but he will never reveal his secrets to her. But how long will he be able to convince her that he is human? Twelve/Clara AU.

  • The TARDIS is not a day care centre

    The Doctor and Clara are a little overwhelmed by their four children running wild in the TARDIS. Whouffaldi!Parents.

  • The Doctor's Bedroom

    The Doctor catches Clara in his bedroom. And decides to punish her. Twelve/Clara. Smut. Rated M for. . . Smut.

  • Paving The Way

    The 12th Doctor and Clara have issues after the Doctor's regeneration but they are both trying to resolve them. Lots of fights, odd behaviour and uncomfortable situations. Clara feels like the new Doctor is pushing her away and gets mad more often than she wants to. Rated M for adult themes, just to be save. 12/Clara.

  • Crazy Christmas, Or: When Death Eaters Celebrate

    Bellatrix is decorating a tree with Harry Potter voodoo dolls, Narcissa is making cookies. A failed mistletoe, many unfitting presents and a Lucius who hates Christmas. My idea of a Death Eater Christmas. OneShot.

  • Equals

    It was not the differences that had made them enemies for life, it was more the fact that they were as alike as two people could possibly be. Bellatrix and Sirius meet on the roof of number 12 Grimmauld Place. Set during OOTP. Incest. Torture.

  • Disturbia

    There were some things Clara believed to know for certain: she didn't belong in a mental hospital, the Doctor who was treating her was actually a Time Lord and his assistant Missy was the devil in disguise. But how was she going to convince anyone of that? And how should she handle this Doctor's blossoming affections? Asylum AU. Twelve x Clara, Twelve x Missy

  • Gold & Silver Line My Heart

    After the death of her boyfriend Clara Oswald decides that it is time for a change. However when she accidentally ends up in bed with her new professor Doctor John Smith, who has a reputation of sleeping with his students, she might find her life changing a lot more than she would have liked. Twelve/Clara. Professor/Student. AU. Rated M for later chapters.

  • She Will Never Know

    The mighty Time Lord is scared of a little earthling girl. Afraid she will reject you because you think you might have had a chance when you were young and handsome, but he didn't want her. But this old man does and it's driving you insane. Mr Clever!Twelve seduces Clara

  • Sontarans in Vegas

    The Doctor and Clara wake up in a honeymoon suite in Las Vegas with no recollection of what had happened. Did they accidentally get married? Or are they in the middle of a new alien threat? Twelve/Clara. Whouffaldi. Humour.

  • A Hunded Times Over

    My collection of Twelve & Missy AU prompts originally posted on Tumblr. All of them are cute and fluffy, some might get a bit smutty. So I rated them M to be safe. Twissy.

  • In Vino Veritas

    Post Death In Heaven. Missy visits the Doctor in his TARDIS and finds him completely drunk and confessing things he under different circumstances would never have said. Twelve/Missy. Twissy. Rated M for language.

  • I can make you feel like home

    The Doctor and Missy break into Versailles in the middle of the night. Very fluffy. I might make an M-rated version of it, too. Twelve/Missy.

  • Natural Disasters

    What the Doctor would never admit to was the damage Missy had inflicted on him, his hearts and his mind, how the tempest of her being had blown through his head, scattering his sanity, his resistance, his good intent, never to be found again The Doctor tries to enter Missy's memories to find out what happened to her and gets more than he bargained for. Rated M for sexual content.

  • Life In Slow Motion

    The Doctor's and Clara's relationship has been more than just a little rocky ever since he turned back into a Time Lord, but when Vastra asks them to watch over teenage Isabel in 1975 for a few weeks, they soon discover that a looming alien threat is the least of their problems. Sequel to Family Ties.

  • Always Almost There

    Why do we have to talk when we can be impossible together? - Set during/after Forest Of The Night. Twelve/Clara. Whouffaldi. Rated M for sexual content.