Rose-tinted specs

  • Between Land and Sea

    After the death of his parents, Prince Eric is given a second chance when Athena takes him into her family, but not everybody is able to see in him what she does. When tragedy strikes will a second chance be enough; and is it possible to find your way when you don't know who you are?

  • Prince Eric

    We all know Ariel's story, but what about Eric? What was his childhood like, and what shaped him into the Prince we all know and love? *Contains some violence*

  • Changes

    Set a few years after Ariel and Eric's wedding.. Ariel has just found out that she is pregnant, but not everyone is as happy as she is. For this story let's just pretend that Queen Athena is still alive, okay? Okay. Ariel & Eric (again) Enjoy!

  • Dreaming

    The titles sums it up really (sorry, I suck at summaries). You guys seemed to like my last one of Ariel and Eric so here's another short one. They are my favourite Disney couple so most/all of my stories will probably be about them. Enjoy and please review if you have time!

  • Prince Eric: Part 2

    Eric starts his teenage years with the scars of the past still very much visible. Haunted by memories, the young Prince begins a journey to fix what has been hurt; but there are some scars, that just refuse to heal.

  • I've got you

    After twelve years alone, Eric is finally able to share this day with someone. Finally has someone to say "I've got you." ArielxEric one-shot

  • Seeking Comfort

    Melody discovers a fear for storms, and Eric is faced with a dilemma. With the help of Ariel can the two bring comfort to each other?

  • Before the Sun Sets on the Third Day

    A short one of Ariel and Eric (The Little Mermaid) - What if Eric had kissed Ariel before her time was up? *Please be kind, this is my first story, but let me know what you think*