
  • The Line

    Takes place after the end of the manga; Lin and Naru have returned from England, and life continues on as normal for SPR ... Or does it? The group takes on a series of cases, but without the guidance of "Dream Naru", will everything be alright? And, why has real-Naru started acting so strangely? Can Mai figure everything out, and get a hold of her blossoming powers in the process?

  • Foolish Games

    Oneshot songfic. Sort of an extraneous addition to the Strip My Mind/Some Nights call and response collaboration. A second perspective explaining where a certain something came from in Chapter 9 of Strip My Mind, titled Higher Ground. Belated birthday present for Seirios Aster; rated for mild language.

  • Strip My Mind

    Companion fic to Seirios Aster's "Some Nights" Sirius Black did not take his brother's passing well; it happened a few months ago, and he's barely holding it together. And then, he sees something he thought he'd never see again ... But Regulus is dead, right..? Set three years after the Marauders graduate, roughly follows the timeline of Seirios Aster's fic, Light of a Fading Star.

  • Someone Like You

    Call and Response/Companion fic to AzureSpice's. Zim has another hair-brained scheme to execute in his pursuit of world dominance, and his faithful Information Robot has been caught in the cross hairs once again. Will Dib figure out what's going on with the new kid at their High School, or is he just glad to have a friend? Set several years post-series, rated for mild swearing.

  • Blue

    After the Mark of Mastery exam, Master Yen Sid is keeping Riku busy, traveling to different worlds and embracing the light, teaching him where he can to turn from the darkness. Between that and school, it's hard for him to do much else, so he hasn't really been able to spend much time around Sora - but then, he really hasn't even had time to realize that part ...

  • Child's Play

    Second part of the trilogy, sequel to Flowerless Darkness. Still healing from the last case, Tsuzuki and Hisoka are heading out to investigate the untimely deaths of an entire elementary school class. But, when strange accidents related to games keep occurring in the town, will they be able to figure out what's going on? Rating subject to change as needed; eventual Tsuzki/Hisoka.

  • A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

    A re-imagining of the events of Birth by Sleep. Begs the question; would it really have mattered if things had happened differently. Would anything have changed? Vanitas PoV. Rated K for violence as well as physical and psychological abuse.

  • Meine Seele ist eine Schlange

    "My Soul is a Serpent" ... Every time Midou Ban taps into the power of Asclepius and channels it through his right arm, he shortens his lifespan a little ... But what exactly are the ramifications of that? What does Maria Noches want to hire the GetBackers for? And what does all of this have to do with the RaiTei [Lightning Emperor]? Rated K for eventual violence.

  • Little Voice

    Barty Crouch Jr. been attracted to his oblivious friend Regulus Black for several years now, and til now, he has been excellent at keeping that from him. Rated for mild citrus in first chapter and language. Companion fic to Seirios Aster's Little Lion Man

  • On Warm Sunny Days

    Sirius can't find Remus one afternoon the week before OWLs - he couldn't be outside, right ... ? Just some mindless fluff of a one-shot so I can say I have something up here ... ;; Implied Sirius/Remus, but you can just take it as them being friends -