
  • Memories of Us

    A collection of Odesta oneshots chronicling Finnick and Annie's lives together.

  • Once, the Stars Aligned

    Finnick O'Daire fled starvation in Ireland for New York. Annie Cresta longed to break free from the confinement of her perfectly respectable life. But even once they found one other, the two could not escape the trials of their era. A 19th-century Odesta historical AU.

  • Verismo

    Primrose's heart sang an aria as, for the first time, two victors were announced.

  • Un Ballo In Maschera

    For Finnick and Annie, a masquerade ball serves as a perfect excuse for a little wicked fun. AU Odesta.

  • Underneath It All

    Two times Johanna wrote what she felt, and one time she and Finnick felt what they wrote. Some one-sided Jonnick.

  • Neither Vice Nor Virtue

    Philip knows well the dangers of giving into temptation, but he cannot pull himself away from Syrena. He finds himself willing to do anything to remain by her side. If she is the devil, then he will be damned.

  • A Coin of Two Faces

    Jacen and Jaina. Yun-Yammka and Yun-Harla. The Yuuzhan Vong intended to destroy the Solo twins, but instead, they created gods. Set during Traitor and Dark Journey.

  • Two Broken Girls

    Katniss doesn't know how to handle a crush, but Johanna certainly does. The two women share a special moment in District 13. Joniss fluff.

  • Craving

    Finnick Odair doesn't know quite what he expected when he met Johanna Mason, but this definitely wasn't it.

  • Real or Not Real

    In which a rock gives Peeta the jitters and Katniss decides to be a bit too literal when answering an important question. Pre-epilogue Everlark fluff.

  • Growing Pains

    Flowers cannot bring together what society forces apart. For Haymitch and Maysilee, the realities of life in District Twelve are far too readily apparent.

  • Just One Kiss

    One of Finnick's clients has unusual plans for the handsome victor she's admired for so long.

  • Fragmented Shards

    Since she first volunteered for her Games at seventeen, the Capitol has stolen pieces of Mags's heart, twisting her love into pain. "She has long since accepted that love is unlikely to bring anything but heartache."

  • Lions and Lambs

    For decades, Coriolanus Snow ruled Panem with an iron fist. No one, not even the most powerful Capitol citizens, would dare to defy him. Three times citizens of the Capitol gave in to Snow's wishes rather than pay the price for their defiance, and one time that one didn't.

  • Speechless

    From the time he was a young boy, Darius has been sickened by the sight of blood. A series of moments that tell the story of the Peacekeeper's life.

  • Between Poverty and Prosperity

    In Panem's woodlands, the villagers of Twelve struggle to stay alive while those in the Capitol enrich themselves. Katniss Everdeen attempts to right this injustice, stealing from the rich to support the poor. She'll stop at nothing to help the people she loves, but she cannot fathom how far these actions will take her from the world she knows. Robin Hood AU, Everlark.

  • Following in his Footsteps

    Cousins. Friends. Master and apprentice. This is a collection of oneshots about Ben, Jacen, and a host of other characters that are generally set between the Dark Nest Trilogy and Legacy of the Force. There's a little angst, a lot of fluff, and a bit of everything in between.

  • A Very Brief History of Panem

    Like every nation, Panem has a history. A collection of oneshots that together describe what made Panem the nation it became.

  • Picking Up The Pieces

    Annie's epilogue. Six years after the rebellion, Annie makes her first steps towards moving on from the death that has long loomed over her. For a woman that sees destruction everywhere, building something new and beautiful seems impossible.

  • The Best-Laid Schemes

    Even the best plans often go awry. Or, three times a character's plans for another didn't work out, and one time they did. Cato/Katniss, Beetee/Wiress, Haymitch/Effie, and Katniss/Johanna