Sereq ieh Dashret

  • Breaking the Chains, Forging the Links

    TPM AU. Maul and Obi-Wan both fall into the chute in the Royal Palace of Theed. As they are forced to collaborate to get out of the tunnels alive, they both realise that things are not necessarily has they had been told and that the truth is much more complicated. Some chains imprison, but some links make you stronger. Eventual slash.

  • The Darkness of our Hearts

    Set after the end of SWTOR. Sith Inquisitor Sereq Kallig had always known that her apprentice meant a lot to her. When, being the only man left from his bloodline, Xalek has to go back to Kalee and marry, she realises that her feelings are not easy to deal with and the pull of the Dark doesn't help either. FemSI/Xalek, rated M for reasons. not PwP, hopefully.

  • Spoils of War

    AU. Ronan survives the Infinity Stone. The realization of what he has done hits him harder than any blow and the journey to atonement passes through giving himself up in servitude to the people who have brought him low. He doesn't imagine that living with a group of bounty hunters will challenge his ideas of freedom, justice and self so completely. Eventual Ronan/StarLord/Gamora

  • Learning to Live, Living to Learn

    In a bid to save Arda's future, Orome of the Valar sends Smaug, last of the Fire-Drakes, on a quest to free himself from the corruption the Dark Lords have instilled in his race and find out what it truly means to be a dragon. Germany, 1809, a bunch of dragons from Davout's army rescue an injured stray. The war of the 5th Coalition is approaching, and Smaug is in at the deep end.

  • CIS Commandos

    After a failed mission which nearly claimed both their lives, Commander Asajj Ventress and General Grievous realise they have more in common than they thought. Things change in the CIS Army and once some things are put in motion, they take a life of their own. Can the relationship between two leaders and the constitution of a new regiment change the fate of the war? AU from S3

  • The Rhani and the Khaghan

    AU. Pre-cyborg Grievous gets hired by Queen Amidala instead of by the IGBC as chief of security prior to the events of The Phantom Menace. Can the future of the Galaxy be changed by two headstrong rulers which have absolutely nothing in common apart from the desire to do the right thing for their peoples? Will explore the themes of racism and sexism. Eventual Amidala/Grievous.