
  • The Kimono Siege

    It was the campaign that would cement his name in history, the act of capturing a castle with a mere sixteen men and no casualties. It had served not only as a lesson to Tatsuoki, but a warning against growing complacent. Hanbei only had one problem with it. Why hadn't he kept a better eye on the kimono?

  • In Our Shelter

    Cover taken from the zerochan site. Never in her life had Kasuga wanted to be stuck in a cave alone with Sarutobi Sasuke. Would she change her mind by morning? (Probably not!)

  • The Time-Travelling Bandwagon Extravagansa!

    Co-written with Fortune Maiden. Well, this is what happens when two fangirls get talking about time travel. Join us as we travel through time and space to fix history and make new friends! Rated for safety.

  • Tales of the Six: Kageki

    He was a warrior capable of grace and poise just as much as fighting. Now if only his new limbs understood that. Based on the Six Samurai Deck.

  • Tales of the Six: Enishi

    His temper had gotten him in trouble before, but not like this. Never like this. Based of the Six Samurai Deck.

  • Tales of the Six: Kizan

    He may have been stubborn, but Kizan still felt sorrow in his heart. Based on the Six Samurai Deck.

  • A Trapped Ninja

    So maybe he should've made sure his escape was absolute before snarking at the guards chasing him. And maybe he really should've rethought the landing. Rated for safety. Warning: Character Death

  • Dedication

    As he repairs the Hidden Blade for his friend, Leonardo questions whether Ezio truly wants to do this...

  • Screens

    Or how they really get the manor repaired so fast. On night patrol, Sasuke spots something that answers many questions.

  • Tales of the Six: Mizuho

    She ma be the only woman in their ranks, but Mizuho is not above the pain they all feel. Based on the Six Samurai Deck.

  • Nightshade

    With their Family half destroyed, the remaining members of the Brotherhood must try and adapt to their new surroundings.

  • But There Was No Reply

    Meeko whined pitifully, hoping that maybe, his master would finally stir, and they could go for a walk again.