

  • Tempered

    End of s4. Mrs Hughes, Mr Carson, the seaside, and what happens afterward.

  • Nippy Sweetie

    a.k.a NipS. Frequently NSFW. Mrs Hughes and Mr Carson, and a long journey. It started out as sass appreciation, pure and simple, and got a little complicated. CarsonxHughes, CarsonxCarson and HughesxHughes getting over the fears taught by society and getting their shit together. Set during and after s4, with various lines of dialogue from s5 and possibly s6 (we'll see).

  • Mr Carson is the New Year's Baby! (nope)

    It's not actually Crack!Fic. It has nothing to do with the title. ...Set one week after the Season 5 Christmas Special. SPOILERS ABOUND FOR S5 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Carson and Hughes, and a little quality time.

  • O Holy Night for Chelsie Dagger

    Merry Christmas, lovelies! This is my contribution to the Chelsie Secret Santa exchange. It's for the lovely Chelsie Dagger. MWAH

  • By the Time We Retire

    For Kissman. A collaboration between imestizaa and deeedeee. After the mortgage proposal and the dismissal to "go and ring that gong," Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes continue their conversation over sherry.

  • Mrs Hughes Gets Down on the Vibe

    NSFW. VERY NSFW. Modern AU. Charles and Elsie try out something new. Response to a chelsie-anon prompt. See cover image for story cubes, or check out chelsie-anon dot tumblr dot com.

  • Nippy Sweetie in a Minor Key - Alternate Chapter 120

    ANGST about the BAIRNS. This chapter never happened. It's cathartic. It's not real. Ugh.

  • Very French

    Collaboration of kouw and deeedeee for KISSMAN'S BIRTHDAY! Mrs Hughes has some new underwear. Sexy sexy. NSFW.

  • Miss Shore is in Big Trouble

    Ugh, you guys, it was my first Chelsie fic. A Carson/Hughes drabble in response to kouw's request on tumblr. Lady Rosamund's maid gets the double-barrel glare in the servants' hall.