
the phantom222

  • The Shamy Restoration

    AU Post Season 7. Sheldon returns to Pasadena after a year of soul searching, not completely transformed but not one hundred percent the same either. He plans to get his life back together and accept some inevitable changes that are coming. There's just one big problem. Amy is mad at him

  • The Relationship Alteration

    After a bus accident, Sheldon has amnesia and is left with no memory. How does this effect his relationships with the rest of the gang? How could this possibly change his personality? All will be answered

  • Star Wars: The Dark Storm

    Rewrite of the Star wars prequels. This version of the story has a larger focus on Obi-wan and his life during the Clone Wars with a secondary focus on his apprentice Anakin's relationship with Padme and fall to the dark side. In addition, a lot of irrelevant subplots and failed attempts at humor in the trilogy have been removed

  • The Relationship Disruption

    Missing scene from 7x24, "The Status Quo Combustion". Sheldon saids goodbye to Amy before going to the train station