
  • Ghost's

    As Bilbo mourns the loss of his friends he is visited by...well his fallen friends who have been forced to stay in middle earth as spirits. You see when the adventure ended and the rise of Sauron began while Bilbo lounged around in Rivendell, he was never really alone.

  • The last goodbye

    Fili finds Kili clinging to life on the battlefield OR Kili is scared for the end so Fili sings him to sleep for the last goodbye... WARNING: Sadness and death.

  • Loki's nightmare

    In the late hours of night all of Asgard where enjoying the peacefulness by sleeping, all except one, Just one. A small black haired price was tossing and turning in his sleep. What is he dreaming about you ask. Maybe you should ask him, maybe he is simply afraid to look at the monster under the bed.

  • Brave at heart

    Kili was fiercely loyal to his Uncle, but when the responsibility of the throne falls to him Kili flees to a strange old Wizard who give a spell with a promise to change his Uncle…turning his into a dragon wasn't what had in mind. Currently on Hiatus.

  • Adventures with Bucky: The Dog and the Storm (5)

    Steve has to leave Bucky alone for a mission and while he is gone a lighting storm rains down causing Bucky to have a panic attack.

  • Adventures with Bucky: The Frisbee Game (4)

    That time that Bucky was bored and Steve thought it would be a good idea to use his shield as a Frisbee.

  • Durins Ghosts

    This is a prequel to my fanfiction Ghosts. Fili wakes up at raven hill to discover that he is a ghost and goes to search for his brother and uncle.

  • Two kids from Brooklyn

    Radiation from the S.H.I.E.L.D carriers causes Steve to slowly revert back to his own skinny self. Bucky suddenly remembers everything all at once...Will all the memory be too much for Bucky? Will Steve be ok? More importantly...will they both be ok...? A/N Pre-serum Steve and an appearance from Tony Stark.

  • Adventures with Bucky: Symbol

    Bucky felt like something was missing from his metallic arm...a symbol...he remembered a silver wing...they gave him a red star... what happens when Bucky visits the Smithsonian and sees sergeant James Barnes with a silver wing on his left shoulder and Captain America with one on his helmet.

  • Adventures with Bucky: Nightmare

    Bucky has a nightmare and Steve is their to comfort him and tell him its ok.

  • Adventures with Bucky: Raccoon Guy

    In which Steve walks in on Bucky applying eyeliner before their first mission together.

  • I belong with my brother

    When Thorin made Kili stay behind at lake town what exactly was he thinking when Fili chose to stay with Kili. Could he be reminded of Frerin.