Haruka takes care of a sick Tokiya...
Tokiya, Haruka and the rest of Starish attend Saotome's Halloween party...
The men of Starish meet the legendary band Lucifer...
Tokiya asks Haruka out for their official first date...
How a photo shoot affects Haruka when she sees Tokiya...
Tokiya suffers a potentially career ending injury...
Tokiya deals with a loss...
Haruka gets stuck with her composing and Tokiya provides a distraction...
What happens after a concert...
What happens when Starish has to deal with unruly fans... PLEASE NOTE: This story was written prior to the attack on the Japanese singing group.
Starish help a lost little girl...
Haruka takes care of an exhausted Tokiya...
The men of Starish meet the legendary band Lucifer...
Tokiya's birthday comes with one very special gift...ADULT CONTENT...Please note: I am publishing this out of the order in which I am writing for this series.
Haruka and Starish visit her grandmother while on an extended break...
A continuation of my other piece, "Departure"; it can however be read as a stand alone work. Tokiya and Haruka discuss their growing feelings and frustrations...
My back story for the song "Independence". Tokiya and Haruka's budding relationship...
Haruka's attempt to cheer Tokiya up after an interview upsets him.
Tokiya is hurt protecting Haruka; see how he heals...