
corduroy sunglasses

  • Taken Into Consideration

    There's a reason she hit him first. RED/GREEN. *brick/buttercup*. (oh crap).

  • Morning Buzz

    As the school bus' arrival is delayed, Blossom and Brick are stuck at the stop together. REDS.

  • Sentiment

    People put true thought into their actions more often than you'd think. Aspirations and emotions burn deep inside their hearts – very deep. *character drabble series* *vote for the next character*

  • Metamorphosis

    Butch's venture at grand theft auto was futile. How does the Professor decide to penalize the boy? Why, a ride to his modest home and a hot cup of chocolate, of course.

  • On the Edge

    He shouldn't have fallen. BLUES.

  • The Scandelous Rendezvous

    Blossom saw how he isolated himself at recess. So she decided to add a little variety to his day...by forcing him to attend a makeshift teaparty. REDS. *Dedicated to fadedillusion101*

  • The Day the Sun Didn't Rise

    Her smile had vanished and along with her came a violent storm. She was no longer the girl that he had fallen in love with. But, why? BLUES. *dedicated to The Slow Walk*

  • Nostalgia

    Looking back at the memories he'd made with his friends, particularly a certain brunette, Tommy couldn't help but feel a bit of nostalgia that settled at the pit of his stomach. One more year…Until then, he'd live on these very memories. T/L.

  • Christmas Colors

    Christmas is spent running into counterparts these days, isn't it? They didn't expect the simple yet great gifts they received that day. BLUES, REDS, & GREENS.