
  • The Stealing of the Yellow Pillow Incident

    It's the seventh time Carmilla has stolen her yellow pillow and it's just about time Laura gave her a piece of her mind!

  • Horny and Hungry Sound Delicious when Mixed

    Carmilla was hungry. But she could deal with that. She hadn't lived so long to have lost the necessity of patience. But what she couldn't deal with, however, was being insanely horny. Carmilla x Laura

  • Forever After

    Lauren, being the new pet of the Ash, meets Tamsin the favorite toy of the Morrigan. History ensues but Tamsin goes on a mission after breaking Lauren's heart. After five years, Tamsin has graced the fae with her presence at last, but Lauren has already moved on to a certain Succubus. Doccubus with Copdoc endgame.

  • Love will have its Sacrifices

    Danny was the last. They've all been infected by now, weren't they? Danny was the last. What could they do? Danny was the last. How could this happen? Danny was the last. Everything is lost.

  • Alone but Not Lost

    AU post apocalyptic world. Carmilla died for nothing and the end of the world was brought about. Laura, separated from her friends, has to traverse the country full of demons, vampires (and oh my gosh, are those zombies?) to try to find them. Carmilla (Web Series)

  • Shameless

    Copdoccubus. Fan service smut fic. You prompt, I write. ;) And there may be an actual story thrown around there somewhere.

  • Just Coffee

    Copdoc coffee shop AU.

  • Fashionably Randomized Copdoccubus Ficlets

    Title says it all, folks. Completely random. Completely unrelated. Completely awesome. :3 BLT. Bo/Lauren/Tamsin Copdoccubus

  • Come Back

    Bo is wounded and taken to Lauren's lab. However, the fae who attacks her comes looking for her. Lauren is hurt, and Bo goes crazy. But can they bring her back from the darkness? Doccubus

  • Fashionably Randomized Doccubus Ficlets

    Title says it all, folks. Completely random. Completely unrelated. Completely awesome. ;) Doccubus. Bo/Lauren.

  • Beautiful

    Lauren wants Bo to undress for her. But it's not the reason you may think. Doccubus.

  • Done

    Set a few weeks after the Kitsune event in which Bo still hasn't forgiven Lauren. Bo goes to a dark fae bar and tries to relax, but things go horribly wrong when Lauren tries to get her out.

  • Dead Man Walking

    Tamsin kills a defenseless human, Lauren's friend, and she has to deal with the repercussions. Whatever those may be. Copdoc