Masterclass MC

  • Rescue! OC Application

    Maka, Soul, BlackStar, and Tsubaki have all fallen victim to madness, leaving a broke Stein, Crona, Spirit, and Kid. Now a new generation of meisters and weapons must break madness's hold. OC application, story to come later.

  • Broken Dreams

    What if there was another bionic? One not created by Davenport? Adam, Bree, and Chase find out and soon find themselves teamed up with this mysterious character. Slightly influenced by Broken Dreams by Shaman's Harvest. Set before Bionic Showdown.

  • Blow Em Away

    Rocky and Ty are new kids. Now in a school full of hip ho fans and disbelievers, them and a group of friend set out to prove that just cause you are different, doesn't mean you are worthless. Heavy SlipKnoT content, so read at your own discression.