
  • Rise of the Daycare

    Fifteen-years had passed, Jamie and Sophie have grown up, and they know own their own Daycare. Sadly though, their little Daycare has been going into the ruin, as very few children come. With the help of the guardians, they just might get the business back on track, but what's this? Pitch has returned? No way! And he wants?...

  • It's not Game Over yet

    "Wait! - Mr. Litwak the box dates 2000! That year I was borned how could have you known my full name!" Mr. Litwak paused on the door handle "Rosette I know these games are more than what they seem, I think you will discover that soon enough…"He left then, leaving me dumbfounded, and grasping the key like it was for dear life.

  • Welcome to Hetalia Gakuen!

    Welcome to Hetalia Gakuen, where our dear country's, cities, and state's come together and chat! Friendships, Romance's, and Stupidity happen here! My name is simply W.C and I am the director here. Please do come on in, we will start with the story of our dear Texas also know as Lesly Ramirez.