
  • Erik Lehnsherr's Hogwarts Survival Guide

    Features handy tips for dealing with oddball professors, dragons and other magical beasts, unfortunate homework assignments, and best friends who might be a just a little bit mental. Erik/Charles (preslash)

  • gold begets in brethren hate

    (gold in families debate; gold does friendship separate; gold does civil war create)-Abraham Cowley. In later years, rumors would spring up as to how Loki entered the chambers, whether he was a spider or ghost or simple deceiver. In fact, the doors were unlocked, for all Asgard had more trust in their hearts in those years when Sif's hair was gold. Thor/Sif, implied Thor/Loki

  • there is fire in our hearts

    Clint is a man of the Night's Watch, alone and afoot beyond the Wall. The wildling woman he hunts has led him over rock and river, across the Frostfangs and deep into the Haunted Forest. The winds are rising, and if he does not catch her soon, he may starve, for there is no true life here. There is only the cold, and she is the only fire. Feat. Night's Watch!Clint/Wildling!Natasha

  • The Valentine's Day Vet Appointment

    Erik is spending his Valentine's Day at a vet clinic. Things go downhill from there. Erik/Charles, implied Logan/Emma, feat. mentions of Angel the Vet Tech and Janos as Erik's friend with an annoying moral consciousness. Warning for crackfic