

  • Sanctuary

    After the death of her parents Jazmine is forced to move away from her friends and home. She cant believe that such things would ever happen to her. This story is really dark and if you are uncomfortable with themes such as rape and abuse do not read. Rated M from the start because of this. (Story is complete but chapter 22 is a sequel to it)

  • War letters

    Huey goes off to war and Jazmine has to deal with his absence. How will she deal with it? And Will Huey come to her safe and sound? I guess you gotta read it to find out. This is my first Juey story and It's a oneshot. Review please.

  • Hue,Spells,And Fairytales

    Huey Freeman is missing and everyone is beginning to wonder where he may be. Meanwhile a new girl named Hue shows up. Who could she be and is she connected to Huey in anyway? This is a Juey story my friends. (I drew the cover.)

  • Team Legacy

    By day our favorite Boondock's crew are just normal Teens but by night they are superheroes ready to kick crime's ass. Join Huey,Jazmine,Riley,Caesar,and Cindy in this wonderful adventure. Together they are Team Legacy. (It also contains a bit of Juey)

  • Please Don't Leave Me Again

    He lost the only girl he ever did and will love to a stupid mistake and now the only way he can see her is through drugs. he halucinates of her every time he does it. Its the only way he can see his Jazmine. Rating might go up.

  • 36 going on 16

    Akane is 36 but believes she's still 16 she not only forgets twenty years of her life but also her marriage with Ranma and her own children now her and her family must find a way to let her remember everything that she has forgotten...this is my first fanfiction so please go easy on me and review

  • Under The Mistletoe

    A small Juey Christmas story. Rated T because of Riley's big mouth lol. Merry Christmas!