
  • This Is How We Lived

    August 1st, 1977, was the day Diagon Alley was attacked by the group known as "Death Eaters". While they brought with them fear and dark magic, what we did not know at the time was that they also brought a curse - a curse that affected a group of Hogwarts teenagers to the point where they could no longer recognise themselves.

  • Ambiguity

    Victoire's been on top of her game for years. As a Senior Auror, no one can stand in her way. That is, until Teddy Lupin reenters the picture, tracking a cold case that collides directly with Victoire's own case, and things become...ambiguous.

  • Lucy

    August 21st, 2028. The day that changed the wizarding and muggle worlds forever. Some would celebrate, some would cry. We were out in the open, for the first time since the seventeenth century. beta - arnoldthefemalepurlepygmypuff

  • Whispers

    In a decade past, a secret lays hidden. A secret that would have sent whispers through the halls of Hogwarts , even half a century afterwards. A secret that died with its owner, one Minerva McGonagall.

  • Reality

    It started as a really bad day... Rose had been fired by her boyfriend, dumped by said boyfriend, injured her knee, chucked her wireless out the window and, oh yeah, was entered in a wizarding reality competition by her cousins. Over 2500 reads!

  • Run For Cover

    Two years out of Hogwarts, Rose Weasley thinks she's finally getting somewhere. That is, until a blonde-haired prat appears, someone puts down a chunk of money in return for 3 powerful objects, and a life-or-death race begins.

  • Going Down Fighting

    For everyone else, seventh year was just another year. For me, it was the beginning of the end. It wouldn't end with job offers, but with my death. First off, I had to figure out how to tell everyone. And how to not burst into tears constantly.

  • Drawn In The Sand

    Our relationship wasn't written in the stars. It was drawn in the sand by my 9 year old self. But since the start of my seventh year, I've seen Teddy a grand total of three times. He left for Australia nearly a year ago today, my nineteenth birthday.

  • Little Miss Potter

    It started out as something we did every summer, to amuse ourselves. But now, I'm bringing it to Hogwarts. Cassidy and I have a pact. We're going to bring the games with us for 7th year. Be prepared for absolute and total chaos.

  • Leaps and Bounds

    Rose is starting her 5th year. Some things are the same; Gryffindor's winning streak and Quidditch, the Potter brother's rivalry. Some things, however, have changed completley. She's a Prefect, for one. The need to hex Malfoy into oblivion has lessened...

  • All's Fair in Love and War

    The wizarding world is on the brink of a war. Lily Evans finds herself in the midst of it, with none other than the boy she hates, her exact opposite, James Potter.

  • In the Spotlight

    Everything is good, Voldemort's dead, Harry's rounding up the Death Eaters, and becoming an Auror. Ginny's going to get her N.E.W.Ts and feeling like an inspiration leader. But how long can the good times last, really?

  • Ginny Weasley and the New World

    Starting just over a month after the Battle of Hogwarts, Ginny struggles with her emotions regarding a certain celebrity. Harry himself has an equally hard time coming to terms with who he now is.