Albus Paulson

  • Absolution and Its Discontents

    Frodo Baggins was reasonably sure that he had heard at least the basics of his Uncle Bilbo's adventure, with the dwarves and the dragon. That reasonable assumption went out the window when he meets a most unexpected person at Bilbo's eleventy-first birthday party. In which the dead never died, the truth-tellers lied, and the story goes on anyway.

  • Dear Professor Dumbledore

    Harry has written Albus Dumbledore a very disturbing letter. I meant this to be a missing moment in between OOTP and HBP. Starts out dark, with a side of an unwittingly mainpulative Dumbledore. Has been abandoned for lack of inspiration.

  • He Lives in You

    A songfic based on the Youtube video by Moony911.

  • PackParents are the Best Parents

    Based in the Dangerverse. read up to ch 37 of LwD before reading this. Lily and James aren't dead, just cursed forward in time nine years. How will this play out? ON NEARPERMANENT HIATUS. I suggest reading Truth Amid the Lies it's the same idea, really.

  • A Marauder Pillowfight

    Just a piece of fluff that I decided to write. Set in the Marauder Era. Can be considered canon. If someone gives me an idea, I'll write more of this, but as of now I've dried up and this won't be continued.

  • I Owe You Nothing

    A discussion between Harry, Neville, Dean, and Seamus. Post HBP, set at the end of OOTP.

  • Just to Be, Just to Live

    Instead of Dumbledore dying and Harry going on to be the defacto Leader of the Light HBP Dumbledore seems to live on and Harry is entombed on the Potter burial grounds. What really happened, and why? Oneshot. No more updates, no sequels. Probably.

  • To Seek Peace

    Harry's in Jerusalem on an Auror assignment, nine years after the events of Deathly Hallows. He wanders through the Old City, and finds something he did not expect. Oneshot.

  • Past and Future Dreams

    Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the USS Enterprise accidentally encounters a face from a past full of horrors. Meeting Kevin Riley again more than ten years after the mass violence on Tarsus IV was never going to be anything Kirk was looking forward to. This is a oneshot companion piece to the much longer Curtain Call, though it may be read alone. Set after STID.

  • Not Just a Potter

    Harry is a descendant of numerous and extremely powerful families. Combined with his destiny, how will this play out?

  • Old Friends

    Imagine a world where Dumbledore and Grindelwald never had the opportunity to interact. In this world, Albus Dumbledore made friends with a boy named John Abrams. Follow them during their lives as they face the world, for this is their story. ADJA

  • In Life or Death I am Free

    Harry is thrown in Azkaban by the corrupt Scrimgeour administration. Meanwhile, the return of the Heir of Merlin has been predicted by a prophecy. This tale is about what happens when the wronged decide to fight back. DOES NOT FOLLOW DH. Read and review!

  • Turn, Turn, Turn

    An aftercanon story. We know that the hero becomes the wise old man but how, and who influences it? Just an idea...

  • What have I to Fear?

    Sequel to I Have So Many Names. Harry is just an old man, waiting for his time to pass on, when he gets an unexpected visit from a certain firebird... He will go to another place, another time, and only he shall remember it...

  • I Remember You

    Poemdrabble about who Harry misses as he goes on to the next great adventure.

  • Best Years of our Lives

    Songfic. Love set to lyrics, specifically the bond between Moony and Danger. Dangerverse. Read all the main stories before reading this unless you just want to read a fanfic based around the song Best Years of our Lives by Baha Men.

  • Caged Wolves Go Mad

    Harry's in Azkaban. This is a ramble about what happens when power is contained...Oneshot. Is continued in In Life or Death I am free and To Speak in Prophecy.

  • My Pack, My Prophecy

    Oneshot based in the Dangerverse. song lyrics to what binds that Pack and Pride together.

  • A Wizard's Journey

    A nintey year old Harry looks back on his life. oneshot.